Because I Said So

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"How do you-" Noah was interrupted by Oliver roughly shoving a washcloth at his face and scrubbing. The soap smelt nice though, and the warm water had dulled his pains and throbbing.

"I just do." Oliver spat back, putting up his wall. He didn't know how to interact with people very well, all of them were a mystery wrapped in a riddle. He found it easier to just close everybody else off. Not Noah, though, ever since Oliver saw him again he knew what he had to do. In a way, Noah was Oliver's little experiment to toy with.

Noah gently huffs out of his nose since water and soap had dripped into it. The small male starts to purr contentedly as he feels his back being washed down. "You like it." Oliver mused, watching as Noah grinned gently and nodded. Oliver couldn't explain what he felt when he saw Noah finally able to relax, but he cherished this feeling.

Oliver always felt angry, or just numb. He had lost himself, it changes somebody once they start taking others' lives. Over the years between his first murder and most recent, he had morphed into a person he didn't even recognize anymore. Some days he looks in the mirror and doesn't even know who he is. Maybe, just maybe, Noah could bring back those feelings for him.

"Since you didn't like breakfast, I'm going to have to teach you how to cook," Oliver mutters, that causes Noah to perk up a little. Of course, Noah is a little excited, most of his days are spent bound to a chair in a cold basement. He isn't sure what day of the week it was, maybe this day would be special all the time. He was going to try and keep a mental calendar in his head. He watched Oliver pull the plug on the bath, making the water drain out. He was so happy to be clean, he took so much for granted in his life before. He yelps once Oliver grabs a fistful of his hair, making him hasten out of the bath. He dripped all over the tiles and almost slipped a few times.

"Th-Thanks," Noah looked away as Oliver had no problem drying him off. He hated this part, he despised just standing there and letting Oliver see him like this. Noah was already shy, and now he had to be nude in front of his kidnapper. At least he had gotten washed. Oliver remembers he has no other clothes for the boy, causing him to groan a little.

"Stay," Oliver instructed towards Noah as you would to a dog. He exits the room, trusting that Noah wouldn't try anything, which he doesn't. Noah is still planning out in his head, he had seen abductions that took years and years. He didn't just want to be a missing person for the rest of his life. Noah wanted to call his boyfriend and let him know he was alive, but he had no access to a phone anywhere.

His thoughts come to a halt when he sees Oliver come back in with what he assumes are clothes. He feels the soft material hang loosely around his frame, its almost down to his knees. Noah stands still as Oliver rearranges his cuffs around to the front, smiling since he is now much more comfortable this way. It smelt like pine trees, or maybe oak. Either way the sweatshirt felt really comforting.

"It's mine." Noah instantly recoiled at those words, causing all the feelings of comfort to turn into anger.

"Then I don't want it!" Noah stomps his foot and starts to get upset, he would rather walk around naked than wear Oliver's disgusting hoodie. He probably killed somebody in this before.

"You will wear it and like it, now say thank you. Where are your manners?" Oliver lifted his hand about to slap Noah across the face, making him start to profusely apologize and thank Oliver.

"Kitchen, now," Oliver tells Noah as he grabs him by his arm and brings him to the stove, turning it on. Noah gets a little flinchy since there is a hot stove right in front of him. He is nervous and just watches Oliver cook silently.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm actually a good person." Oliver says in the sweetest tone he can muster up.

"Last time I checked, good people don't shove strangers in basements!" Noah instantly regretted his words, feeling himself get pushed up against the wall by his kidnapper. It was a little hot. No. Noah didn't need to think about that right now, even if he was a little sexually frustrated. 

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