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Everything was dark since Oliver decided to postpone until night fell. The only thing filling the heavy silence in the car was the jingling of Noah's handcuffs. He wasn't able to stop shaking, praying that Isaiah wasn't home. The drive was longer than the first time, he felt every sharp turn and bump that Oliver practically sped over. Noah had to sit in the back seat with tinted windows, and Oliver drove regularly in the populated areas.

"Can you turn around?" Noah whimpered out, letting out a long sigh. He didn't want to go through with this anymore, he just could not do it. Honestly, Oliver treated Noah better than Isaiah did. Of course, Oliver had hurt Noah, but Isaiah was something else. Especially if he drank too much. Noah still loved him, though, they had been together for a year. Noah refused to point out that Isaiah was controlling the toxic relationship, basically forcing him to stay.

Oliver grunted quietly, they've already been in the car for an hour. He didn't want to drive back, It's been a long time since Oliver took somebody else's feelings into consideration.

"No." Oliver's grip tightened around the steering wheel as they turned into the subdivision. "You don't have to kill him. Just go grab your things." Oliver explained, shaking his head. He reached his hand out to the backseat, able to pat Noah's knee. His breath hitched when he felt Oliver's touch. How could somebody so awful be so gentle at the same time?

"Oh, okay. I can do that." Noah didn't want to go back to Isaiah, finally able to come to terms with the fact he was a bad boyfriend. He had the house key in his grip, ready to exit the car and run in and out. The car halted across the street from the house Noah used to live in. Isaiah was home, the little red car parked in the driveway. "Let's go," Noah told Oliver, getting out of the vehicle. Noah couldn't believe he was going to willingly let Oliver take him back so easily. He felt no need to resist him anymore, he actually kind of enjoyed his company in a way. Isaiah always had made Noah feel a little left out with all his other guy friends. At least Oliver noticed him.

"You have the knife, right?" Oliver asked as he went around the car, "Just in case, you know?" Oliver doubted Isaiah was going to pull anything, but he didn't want Noah to get injured. He reached out and undid Noah's cuffs, "Don't try anything." He warned, watching as Noah massaged his wrists.

"It's in my pocket. I'm not using it, though." Noah reminded Oliver, leading the way up to the front door. Oliver jams the house key into the door and fiddles around with it, grinning once it clicks open. He pushes it open slowly to avoid it squeaking, and takes one step inside. The TV could be heard from the downstairs bedroom, so Noah knew that walking into the house would be dangerous without being seen.

"I'll be here waiting for you." Oliver almost inaudibly tells Noah, who nods and takes a few more steps in. He was so nervous about everything, that he bumped into a chair and made a whole lot of noise.

"Baby, is that you?" A drunken voice calls out. Noah freezes, how did Isaiah know it was him? If Isaiah was in the bedroom he shouldn't have been able to see him from where he was. He didn't know what to do, so he just panicked to himself.

"No, honey, it wasn't me." A worried female voice speaks, and Noah's hand flies over his mouth. So, Isaiah replaced him that quickly, it didn't take long at all. Noah was furious, on the verge of crying, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Let me go see what it is." Noah overheard Isaiah complain, still frozen with fear. His breath and heart start getting out of sync, feeling the anxiety rise once the fumbling around in the dark is heard. He squeaked softly and ducked, going under the table, his knees pulled up to his chest.

Light floods the room, and he can see the back of his once boyfriends frame standing over Oliver. Noah covers his ears as Isaiah starts shoving Oliver, daring to slap him across the face. Noah winced, suddenly remembering that Oliver had left his gun on the console in the car. Oliver was really taking a toll, not used to fighting with his hands, and Isaiah was much bigger than how he appeared on TV.

"Get the fuck off me!" Oliver cussed, bringing his hand up to punch Isaiah in the jaw. It wasn't enough though, they were still both going at it hard. Noah couldn't take it anymore, he scurried out from underneath the table, pulling out the blade from his back pocket.

"This is for every time you hurt me!" Noah cried, sticking the knife in Isaiah's side and pulling it out. It felt like cutting chicken meat. The first stab was in his gut.

"I hate you!" The screams of Isaiah's girlfriend buzzed in the back of Noah's mind. The second stab was in the thigh, and it took more power than in the stomach.

"You think it's okay to cheat! It's not!" Heavy sobs fell out of him, screwing his eyes shut as the knife trailed across Isaiah's throat. The knife fell to the ground with a loud clunk, along with Isaiah and Noah. Oliver stood with wide eyes. Large red puddles spread across the floor.

Oliver leaned down and finished off the girlfriend, seeing Noah crying on the floor. They needed to leave, and quickly. "C'mon," Oliver spoke as if nothing happened, carrying Noah out to the car on his hip. Noah absentmindedly cried into Oliver's shoulder and clung onto him, sitting in his lap the whole drive home.

"The first is always the hardest," Oliver mused.

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