1. august

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Ag's pov:

Today was the day I get to see Anna. It's been a little over 42 days since I last saw her- july went by so slow. I was by myself this time driving to her house. The same butterflies filled my stomach while passing the familiar houses I saw just about a month ago. I drove up the street where I first saw anna when she jumped into my arms and the memories played over and over in my head. I still had the same nervous feeling but I kind of liked it. The tingly feeling in my chest continued as the adrenaline of excitement over took my body.
She doesn't know i'm here yet- I talked to her mom prior and we had planned out a surprise for Anna.
It was supposed to rain later today which was perfect for the date I had planned. Anna's mom had hidden a house key under the front door mat.

No one was home when I had gotten there. I texted her mom to let her know I was there. The memories we made a month ago played like a movie while my eyes moved across the house. It was as if every part of the house held a memory. I made my way to Anna's room and opened the door.

"I missed my boon" I said to myself while smiling. I put my bags down and sat down at her desk. I pulled out a stack of sticky notes and began to write cute notes and cringy pick up lines. When I had finished writing them all out, I stuck them all around her room. I grabbed Jerry and hugged him tight. I missed this. I had one last sticky note left that held a special message. I folded it up and put it in Jerry's bow just as I did the last time I had a note for her. I heard a car pull up and car doors close. I quickly tucked my bags under Anna's bed and hid under a blanket. (not the smartest hiding spot but discreet enough so she doesn't see me right away). I heard Anna's voice get closer and my heart began to race. God I missed my boon so much. I heard the door knob jiggle and then the door open.

"What the-"

"SURPRISEEEEE" I said as I jumped out of the blanket

Anna's screamed and ran over to me, jumping into my arms.

"oh my god i missed you so much" She said as she kissed me between words.

"And i missed you, bubbas" I replied attacking her with kisses

I held her in my arms tight and kissed her. It felt so good to be back with her in my arms. Her embrace felt like home no matter where we were. I sat back down and watched her read all the notes I left her. She read the pick up lines aloud in her silly announcer voice which made me giggle. I loved it when she did that. She eventually made her way to the note that sat in Jerry's bow.

"I fall in love with you more and more everyday and everyday I find more reasons to be in love with you. "

She read the note that was hidden in the red bow and smiled harder than anyone I've ever seen someone smile.

"Hey boon?"

"Yes bubs?"

"I love you, a lot" I said walking over to her and kissing her forehead.

"And i love you" She replied while standing on her tippy toes to reach my lips. My hands rested on her waist while i pulled her in closer to my body.
This felt so right. This is my person and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"So, We have plans tonight" I said

"But it's raining?" Anna looked at me with a confused look

"Exactly- so go get changed into something you don't mind getting wet." I smiled

I watched her walk towards her closet and grab a hoodie and some sweats.

"Is this okay?" She asked

"Bubs anything you wear is perfect. You look amazing in everything you dork" I said

She rolled her eyes and me and shot me a cute smile. She began to take her shirt off which ignited flash backs from her shower. The way her hair fell to the side of her body reminded me of the sunset in the back of the car. Our eyes made contact and she gave me a sarcastic smile.

"My eyes are up here dummy" She walked over to me in just her sports bra and shorts. She moved my hands onto the soft skin of her waist and straddled my lap.

"Woahh, it's a little early for this isn't it?" I said sarcastically

"Oh I can stop if you want me to"

"Oh shut up you smart ass. Come here"

Our lips met and moved in unison. Her lips tasted sweet from the candy she was just eating. The taste reminded me of the trunk of the car in June. She was sweet in more ways than one. She kissed me slowly while we shared the occasional smile. I loved every moment of this. The way we kissed each other screamed I missed you. Every time her lips met mine it was as if mini fireworks erupted in my chest. The sparks between us were so significant that it sent butterflies throughout my entire body. Her touch alone gave me goosebumps.

I'm so lucky to call you mine Anna Shumate. I am so lucky to be able to even know someone as amazing as you, I hope you know that. I hope you know that you make the world seem like a bigger and brighter place. I hope that you know you make me smile harder than anyone I know. I hope you know that you make me laugh harder than anyone I know. I hope you know that you have my entire heart and that I wouldn't change anything about you. Every little thing about you makes me fall harder and harder for you. Even the things you pick out about yourself that you don't like- I love them all the more. I love that we can sit and talk things out even when we don't want to talk about it. I love that you let me in even though it's not something that's easy for you. I love you and everything that makes you, you. My mind is constantly filled with these thoughts whenever we talk, whenever I miss you, whenever we're having silly and pointless conversations that always end up being the best, whenever we're talking about life and getting personal, and whenever we argue or have a disagreement; I hope you know that I wouldn't ever take you for granted and that I wouldn't walk away from you. I hope you know that no matter what shit comes our way, I would still stand by your side and never be against you. I hope you know that i'm ready to give 100 percent when you can only give 20 percent. I hope you know that I'll take care of you.

I hope you know how much I love you because I swear sometimes when life seems uncertain, that is the only thing the stays certain; I love you longtime.

august showers|| anna shumate// ag mcdaniel Where stories live. Discover now