9. lilac skies

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anna's pov:

Ag abruptly hung up on me and my eyes fell to the floor. My heart felt heavy and i felt sick.

All I wanted was to talk to Ag. All I wanted was to explain everything that happened.

I decided to get back into my car to find her. I wasn't going to let Margot take her away from me. I wasn't going to let Carter steal my happiness again. I wasn't going to let myself give up on her.

I ran back outside and jumped into my car. The rain was heavy leaving massive puddles everywhere. I pulled out of my drive way and headed down the street.

I soon heard sirens approaching behind me. I pulled over to the right hand side of the road to let them pass.

Ag's pov:

I opened my eyes and saw Anna.

I blinked my eyes a few times because what I was seeing couldn't have been real.

My eyes focused on her smile and the beautiful blue sky above her.

We were in some park on a warm summer day. I was laying on my back and her face hovered over mine.

She was laughing at some stupid joke I made. The sun was abundant with few clouds passing by. The birds chirped and sang as they flew by. We were alone and everything seemed as if it moved in slow motion.

We sat there for what seemed like hours.

The sun set with pastel colors that painted the sky. The flowers complimented the pinks and purples that filled the lilac hue of the sky above us.

Soon the stars tinkled and danced around the bright moon.

It was as if this moment in time was perfect.

She was perfect.

Our eyes fell onto each other's gaze.

"It's time to wake up, bubbas" Anna said softly

I couldn't speak. I couldn't move my body. I couldn't make a sound.

"Bubs, it's time to wake up. C'mon, I miss you." Anna repeated

I felt the anxiety start to take over my body.

The once lilac sky above her turned dark. The stars were no longer dancing above us.

The moon seemed as if it dimmed and the air felt unstable.

She was no longer smiling and laughing.

The pure look of panic took over her face.

Anna kept repeating that it was time to wake up.

I closed my eyes tightly. Her words flooded my ears and I tried screaming stop but nothing escaped my mouth. I felt paralyzed.

I tried screaming. I tried shaking myself to wake up. I couldn't even open my eyes anymore. I felt stuck in this world and the only words I could hear were "wake up".

Anna's voice started to sound deep and drowned out.

Her voice went in and out of clarity. I could no longer feel anything. I was numb.

I somehow was standing up and started chasing Anna down a long hallway.

Every time I got closer and closer to catching her, the further and further away she actually was.

The hall way seemed as if it went on for forever.
I began to lose hope.

"Bubbas please- I need you. Wake up" Her voice was weak.

I forced my eyes open. I was laying in some hospital room with an awful headache.

"Oh my god." I heard from the left side of me. It sounded like Anna's voice but I wasn't too sure with the ringing in my ears.

"I thought I almost lost you" I soon felt Anna's hand interlock with mine.

i looked up at anna and felt a single tear roll down my cheek. i felt my face frown as my eyes became more and more watery.

"I really love you a lot, Anna." I said as my voice cracked and i began to heavily cry.

I felt her arms wrap around me as I cried into her neck.

"i'm so sorry I didn't pick up your calls before- I- I was just so upset and i-"

before i could finish, Anna's lips kissed mine.

"Please don't apologize, Bubs. I understand. Just please know that I would never do anything to hurt you. Margot was behind all of it." Anna kisses my forehead.

"I believe you. I'm sorry that I overreacted" I said still crying

"What happened?" I asked.

"You almost got hit straight on by a truck. The driver swerved out of the way just in time to miss you. Your car went off the road into a tree, but you have no serious injuries besides a bad concussion and a few bruises." Anna explained

"Are the other drivers okay?" I asked

Anna paused before responding. Her face looked sad.

"They are alive. The driver walked away with just a few scratches on his face. The passenger walked out with not a scratch or bruise on her."

"Where are they? Are they here?" I looked at Anna with a concerned look

"Who was it?" I followed

Anna's smiles faded as she looked at me seriously.

"They are alive and okay. just know that. "

Anna's warm smiled caused me to smile.

"No more driving in the rain for you. Too many things happen when you do that." Anna joked.

"I think you're right." I said as my gaze drifted to the window.

The sun began to set and the clouds began to scatter. The clouds turned into a pink and purple color. I drifted to sleep with the perfect picture of Anna's silhouette leaning on the window highlighted by the lilac sky.

Anna's pov:

Ag fell back asleep and I soon walked out into the hall way.

My eyes met with Carters as he walked towards me and I fell into his arms.

"she's finally awake" I whispered.

august showers|| anna shumate// ag mcdaniel Where stories live. Discover now