3. whipped cream

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Ag's pov:

I woke up to the sun peaking over the trees leaving a golden streak of light hitting the right side of the bed through the window. Anna was still sleeping in my arms while the faint sound of Ice Age still played in the background. Memories from last night played in my head leaving me with a slight smile on my face. I held her in my arms while the thought of last night repeated; her soft laugh in between kisses, the way she'd look at me and slightly bit her lip when she smiled, and the pure and genuine love that both of us share for each other sent a warm feeling throughout my body. I wanted to do something special for her again this morning but she looked so peaceful sleeping in my arms. My finger tips traced shapes on her bare back as the warm sun that slipped through the window kissed her skin. I slowly drifted back to sleep with the perfect thought of being able to spend the rest of the day with my girl.

Anna's pov:

I woke up to my phone ringing but Ag was no where to be found. The first thought that crossed my mind was that yesterday into last night was just a dream. I quickly grabbed my phone to see that Ag's was calling me and I answered.

"Well good morning beautiful" She said. Her voice was raspy from being sleepy.

"Good morning bubbas, uh- where are you?" I questioned hoping that everything that happened wasn't a dream.

"Why don't you come downstairs and find out" I smiled at these words

"say less, I'll be right here" I said as I hung up the phone

I sat up in bed still holding my phone while a smile crossed my face. I am so beyond lucky to have someone as amazing as her in my life.

I grabbed her hoodie that was sitting on the edge of my bed and put it on. It was definitely too big for me but I didn't care- that's exactly how I like it. I looked in the mirror and the hoodie looked like a dress on me. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked down stairs.

The smell of pancakes and the sound of slow music met me as I took the last step down the stairs. I turned the corner and saw Ag flipping pancakes and singing to herself. She wore just a sports bra and grey sweats. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her torso.

"Hi bubbas" She said as she put the last pancake on the plate.

"Have I ever told you how insanely lucky I am to have you?" I asked after kissing her on the cheek.

"Uno reverse, I do believe that I'm the lucky one here though, you dork"

Ag lifted my chin with her two fingers and gently kissed my lips. A multitude of butterflies erupted throughout my body. I couldn't help but smile every time we kissed.

"So what crazy thing do you have planned today?" I asked

"Well, I was thinking maybe we can maybe go shopping? Or anything that sounds fun to you." She winked and began to eat her pancakes.

It was still rainy outside so we decided to hang out here until it let up. We ate our pancakes together after having a whipped cream fight that she started.

"I'm gonna have to teach you how to put up a better fight" she teased

"I would have won that if I had longer arms. You only won because you're taller than me. You know i'm basically dating a tree." I said laughing

"Ohhhhh so now i'm a tree? What kinda kinky shit are you into, sheesh" Ag's laugh was my favorite thing to hear.

"oh shut up you weirdo. I still would have won and you can't convince me otherwise" I said as i shrugged my shoulders

"Ouuuu someone has an attitude" Ag said as she slightly leaned on the counter. She went to go eat a strawberry but before she could, I grabbed the whipped cream one last time and sprayed it on her face. The whipped cream covered her eyes and a little bit of her mouth.

"You did not. Ohhh you're soooooo done."

We chased each other around the kitchen throwing whipped cream at each other. It was moments like these that made me fall for her harder and harder. I don't think anything can come between what we have. It's too real for the both of us to just give up on.

Ag's pov:

After cleaning up the mess we made in the kitchen, we made our way up to the bathroom. The whipped cream made everything incredibly sticky, including my hair.

"You know, we can always used this for other purposes" Anna suggested

"What? The whipped cream?" My eyes locked with hers as i giggled

"I meannn, we wouldn't have to make a mess with it. But it might be fun. Think about it like this" She said as she started walking out the bathroom door, "It's just two of your favorite things to eat all in one".

My mouth hung open in disbelief as she walked away laughing.

I closed the door behind me to get in the shower to wash the stickiness out of my hair. I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of the water cover my body. I suddenly felt arms wrap around my body and a smile appeared on my face. I turned around and my eyes met Anna's.

"You know you're absolutely beautiful." I told her after kissing her forehead.

Her arms hugged my torso and I kissed her lips.

Anna's pov:

After our shower we went and sat in my bed. We listened to music and watched the trees sway back and forth from the wind. The rain pattered against the window as she held me in her arms. Not one thing or one person would ever be able to ruin this. I wouldn't let it happen.

august showers|| anna shumate// ag mcdaniel Where stories live. Discover now