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Welcome fifteen hours of sun and days of motion, out of doors and into shadowless greens.

You entered the air as seedlings sprouted, as hatchlings took flight, as beach surf glimmered.

At times, the tall grass obscured your sightline. Others would cut it down, but you made peace. In thanks, the grasses parted and the sun beckoned; the moon played hide and seek.

With each step, more to see and befriend. To inhale. To embrace. To beckon you along the path.

Today the trailhead offers little guidance; you've been entrusted to lead the charge. The grasses bend to your will, sensing that your provisions are plentiful and your spirit steadfast.

On to the next and the next, pausing to camp when sureity wavers or a malicious spirit clouds the path. But persevere do you, sprinkling seedlings along your way to appease the hatchlings, your constitution fortified with every sunlit wave and ripple.

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