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Jeongin had to go to the grocery store after school by his hyung's request since it was on his way home. While walking down one of the isles looking for the next thing he needed he bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry" "oh no it's ok" the voice sounded familiar but at the moment he couldn't remember why it was. When he looked up he noticed that the person he bumped into had a hoodie, hat, mask, and glasses on so you couldn't really see any detail of his face. Very awkwardly he moved to the side and continued his way down the isle to continue looking for what he needed. Chan tho stood there in complete shock with the fact that he had just bumped in to Jeongin by coincidence. Jisung and Changbin had just come from an other isle to see Chan just standing there. "Chan hyung you ok?" Jisung asked "I just bumped into Jeongin" he muttered so the other 2 didn't really hear him. "What?" Changbin said confused "I just bumped into Jeongin" he then says more clearly "what did you say" "I didn't really say anything" "why not" "I was shocked what did you expect me say! He said I'm sorry then I said it was ok and then we stood there awkwardly for a few seconds then he moved to the side and walked away while I stood there frozen" "you're an idiot" "yes I know I should've said something but I couldn't. I don't even think he knew it was me because I'm all covered up" "understandable cmon let's get the rest of the we need so we can pay and go home" "alright"

Thanks King_Jimin for the chapter idea 😊

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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