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When they reached the 3racha dorm. Chan had Jeongin sit on the couch and wait for him while he went to get the first aid kit. Changbin and Jisung told Chan before they left that they would hang out with the others for a little bit then come back home. When Chan came back from getting the first aid kit he noticed that Jeongin had his head down. He made his way over to him and put his index finger under Jeongin's chin slowly lifting his head. Jeongin had started tearing up when Chan left the room. When Chan lifted up his head he let the tears fall. Chan got very concerned because he was just fine when he left the room (that doesn't mean shit Chan 😒) "Hey hey hey. What's wrong?" "Everything!Everything is wrong!" "What do you mean?" "I hate going to school! Every day it's the same thing! Picked at, trashed talked, every once and a while someone tries to beat me up. I-it's.. it's the same shit everyday!" He was crying a lot harder now and so he sniffled a lot between words. "I can't wait until I graduate. I won't have deal with this anymore. Every year it's the same stuff. The only year I gained friends was this year and it was all thanks to Faria. She came in and basically forced me to be friends with her 😂. Then I gained a huge group of great friends that anyone could ask for. Sure I had Minho hyung, Felix hyung, Seungmin hyung, and Woojin hyung but I didn't have any friends at school to hang out. I only moved in with Minho hyung and the others a year ago when Felix hyung and Seungmin hyung graduated. They made me move in with them. They wanted me out of the house I was in. My family would always cast me aside, my dad was abusive and my mom never did anything about it. My brothers never hung out with me, they basically treated me like a stranger. I'm sure they don't care that I'm gone. I'm glad I moved away from them. I was very skinny then. When I moved in with the others I actually gained some weight 😂.  I actually felt wanted for once. This past year has been great despite the fact that I get bullied but that won't matter anymore until I graduate, that's what keeps me going. Though sometimes it is hard to handle and I break down I still have friends beside me to make me feel better. It's just... with what happened today..." "it's okay. You're allowed to feel this way. I know it's a lot to handle. You've been dealing with this for so long. Of course there will be a time when you can't handle it anymore and just need to break down those walls you made and show how you truly feel. Just remember, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. I'll be there for you. I'll help you through it. You don't have to handle this alone." "Thank you" "you're welcome. Now let's treat these wounds" "ugh" "I know I know but you have to." "Fine" Chan grabbed the first aid kit and starting treating Jeongin's wounds. Jeongin winced every now and again and Chan would apologize, wait a few seconds, then keep going. When Chan was done Jeongin was a little tired so when Chan was putting away the first aid kit Jeongin slowly laid down on the couch and fell asleep. When Chan came back he noticed the younger asleep and went to his room to get him a blanket. When he came back into the living Changbin and Jisung walked through the front door. Chan put his index finger to his lips signaling for them to be quiet. They were confused at first but noticed Chan walking over to the couch with a blanket so they followed to see a sleeping Jeongin. When they saw him sleeping they silently awed by how cute he looked even tho he had bruises on his face. Chan stayed in the living room so he could look after Jeongin and the other 2 went to their rooms.

Yes it's finally complete! I had to ask for help again 😅 I had started the chapter then got stuck 😂 but at least now it's finished 😊

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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