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When Chan got to Jeongin's house he noticed the door unlocked like he asked it to be. Jeongin knee he couldn't stop him so he did what he was asked. Chan walked into the house making his way to the living room. When he got there he saw Minho, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin all there. "Um hi?" "Hi Chan hyung" "hi hyung" "Um we'll go upstairs so you guys can talk privately" Minho said while him, Felix, and Seungmin started to get up from the couch to make their way upstairs. Once Chan knew for a fact they were upstairs in their rooms, he spoke up, "Why haven't you been responding to my texts? We saw each other earlier this week when the whole group came over to hang out and everything was just fine. Everything went back to normal for everyone else but us. What happened Jeongin?" Jeongin took a moment to process everything he said. When he did he voiced what was wrong with very upset tone, "Everyone got better but I didn't! Felix still has struggles with some of it but not as much as I do!! Minho has his moments here and there where he can't handle it anymore but I can't handle it at all no matter how hard I try!! Seungmin has been just fine! Nothing has been bothering him! Everything bothers me tho!!" Jeongin took a second to calm down then he continued, "I'm sorry. I just can't handle it anymore hyung. I want to be able to ignore it but I can't." Jeongin started crying near the end and all Chan could do was hug him. He didn't know the younger was going through so much. "Jeongin... I know it's a lot to handle but didn't I tell you that I'd be there for you? That I'll be the shoulder you could cry on when things got too overwhelming? I care about you Jeongin. I want to be able to take care of you when you need me. I love you Jeongin. I hate seeing you upset. If something happens to you or you feel like you can't handle it anymore come to me. Let me know when something is wrong. Ok?" Ok hyung. wait... did you just say you love me?" "Yes I did" "I love you too hyung" "Jeongin, I've been meaning to ask this for a long time and I feel like this is the best time to do it." "Yes?" "Will you be my boyfriend?" Jeongin had never been so happy before in his life. He didn't know how to react at first. All he could say was, "yes! Yes yes yes! I'd love to be your boyfriend!"

It's finally happened you guys! They're together! Only 3 chapters left! Hope you enjoy!

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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