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Jeongin was very excited for later tonight. Chan had told him he was gonna surprise him with something he's been planning for a while now. Chan was very nervous. He didn't know why. He knew the younger loved him with his whole heart but seeing as this is a huge step in their relationship. He was dealing out inside. "Dude calm down. You know he'll say yes" Changbin said noticing that Chan was getting fidgety. "But what if he says no! I'm scared" "hyung he'll say yes. The boy loves you so much. If anything he'll react the same way I did when Minho hyung proposed to me." Jisung said with a small smile, now thinking about his anniversary and what happened. "Hyung Jeongin will say yes. Seungmin texted me earlier to tell me that Jeongin is super excited for tonight and how you're setting up for it I'm sure he'll love it." "If you guys say so" Chan said a little more relaxed.

—Later That Day—

Jeongin came back home with the others to notice that the lights were dim and most of the light was coming from candles leading into the backyard. Following the candles, he reached the back door looking outside to see candles put together to form a heart and rose petals surrounding them. Walking outside, Hyunjin and Jisung came led him to the heart and had him stand in the middle of it. All of a sudden Chan comes out from the side of the house where he was hiding with flowers in his hands giving them to Jeongin. Then he spoke, "Yang Jeongin, these past 2 years have been amazing with you. You're always there for me for everything. I'm always there through every emotion. You really complete me. You make every bad day better. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Through every up and down. Everyday till the day I die, so Yang Jeongin..." he then went down on one knee and pulled out a dark blue velvet box to reveal the beautiful ring inside. Jeongin had caught on to what was happening at the beginning of Chan's speech unlike Jisung with Minho who didn't know until Minho got down on one knee. Jeongin had started crying when he had stepped into the backyard. Chan continued after he revealed the ring, "Will you marry me?" Jeongin couldn't help but sob out his answer, "yes! Yes I will marry you!"

3rd story is finished! Now onto the 4th one!

———————3rd story is finished! Now onto the 4th one!

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I'll see you guys in the next book!


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