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Jeongin was having a normal day at school talking to few friends when the trash talking girl walked over to them. "What do you want Ryujin?" Jeongin said kind of annoyed. "To talk to you" "why?" "Just follow me" "ok?" His friends were worried. They felt like something bad was gonna happened so they secretly followed them. Ryujin led Jeongin to the back of the school where there wasn't many people since it was the end of the day and a lot of people were heading home. When they came to the back of the school Jeongin noticed that Ryujin's brother Beomgyu was there. "Why is you brother here?" "We just want to talk" Jeongin knew something was up. He knew Ryujin never used force she only used her words to hurt people. The same couldn't be said about her brother tho. "Are you so upset that I don't react the way you want me to when you are trash talking me so you complained to you brother?" "wow you're so smart" were the first words Beomgyu said since the 2 arrived. Jeongin's friends were hiding behind a wall ready to contact his hyungs and for one of them to get a teacher if anything were to happen. They knew if they got involved in any way they'd get in trouble so they'd rather have adults come and handle the situation. "Look I know you guys don't actually want to talk" "what do we want to do then?" "Not both of you. Just you. You want to beat me up because your sister told you so. I know she doesn't use violence. She uses words to hurt. You on the other hand don't mind at all about throwing a few punches at people" "you're absolutely right" then he swung. Hitting Jeongin's left cheek. His friends who were watching immediately contacting his hyungs while one of them went to get a teacher as quick as they could. Beomgyu was now straddling Jeongin on the ground while repeatedly punching him over and over again. "WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING TO DEFEND YOURSELF HUH?!" "If I don't do anything I don't get in trouble. I won't be suspended like your sorry ass will" Jeongin struggled to say. "YOU THINK YOUR SO TOUGH BECAUSE YOU CAN TAKE A COUPLE OF PUNCHES AND ACT LIKE IT DOESN'T HURT YOU. WE KNOW IT DOES SO WHY DON'T YOU CRY LIKE THE LITTLE BABY YOU ARE?!" "Because someone like you doesn't deserve the satisfaction of seeing me vulnerable" "YOU LITTLE-" he was about to hit him again when a teacher and his hyungs came running towards them. The teacher and Minho grabbed Beomgyu and pulled him away from Jeongin while the others all surrounded Jeongin looking at his injuries. Bruises were slowly starting to form on his face from the punches. Felix had contacted Changbin about the situation when he got the text from Faria saying someone's beating up Jeongin at school so all of 3racha came as quickly as they could. Chan was the most worried because he really cared for the younger so you wouldn't be surprised when as soon as they parked the car he ran as fast as he could to where Jeongin was. When he saw Jeongin he immediately hugged him making sure not to hurt him in anyway. When he broke away from the hug what he saw broke his heart. Jeongin had a black eye, a busted lip, a huge bruise on his left cheek, and a bruise on his chin. That was just his face. Beomgyu hit a few punches on difference places of his torso which will really effect him for a few days but Chan doesn't know about them yet since Jeongin is wearing a baggy T-shirt. He learns about them tho when his hands moved to Jeongin's waist after he pulls away from the hug. Jeongin winced and Chan immediately moved his hands away. He slowly lifted Jeongin's shirt and noticed he had bruises all over his stomach. Chan really wanted to hurt the person who did this to Jeongin but knew he couldn't because he would get in trouble especially because the person is a minor. Chan had Jeongin stand up slowly and had him slowly make his way to the car. He had told the others that he will take Jeongin back to 3racha's dorm to treat his wounds and asked the teacher there if Jeongin could miss school for a few days so he can heal faster. The teacher said yes while the friends that had classes with him said they'd bring his work to him after school. They bid their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

Thanks King_Jimin again for another chapter idea 😊😂 I know this a very sudden like... crazy chapter but I was stuck and they gave me idea. Hope you enjoyed 😊

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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