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A few hours later Jeongin woke up from his nap noticing he had a blanket on him. He then turned his head to see Chan sitting on the other side of the couch watching tv. Jeongin sat up, still half asleep and squinted towards Chan just to see if it's really him. He rubbed his eyes and squinted again. He sat there still half asleep. Chan noticed and scooted closer to him, while Jeongin was asleep he changed into a black tank top and black sweats. He chuckled at the sight of Jeongin.

*Chan's POV*
God he's so adorable, what do I do with myself?

He ruffled the younger's hair. "Sleep good?" The older asked, Jeongin nodded his head up and down. Chan kept on ruffling the younger's hair and realized that he was messing it up more. "Ah- sorry.., how're your bruises?" Jeongin processes what Chan said and began lightly pressing on each bruise, wincing each time, whimpering with some of the ones that were worse than others. "Ah be careful!" Chan said worried, Jeongin just pouted. "It hurts so much hyung..." He looked up at Chan with watery eyes, on the other hand Chan had stars in his eyes. He thought the younger looked so beautiful in this moment that he couldn't help but hug him. He did it lightly tho worried about hurting the younger because of his bruises. "I'm sorry you got hurt Jeongin..I'll never let it happen again" Jeongin hugged him back, "it's fine hyung, it wasn't your fault..I just wish all of it would stop." Chan let go from the hug and left the room for something. A few minutes later he came back with the first aid kit. "I'm gonna reapply the ointment again, it might hurt just a teensy bit", gesturing a small amount with his right hand. "Again?!" Jeongin sighed out of misery, he just hated it "AhHhahg" "Stop it, you big baby" Chan said right before laughing. Jeongin pouted again while Chan went to reapply the ointment.

—1 hour later—

"I should get going hyung" Jeongin said with a slight smile on his face, "thank you for everything" Chan on the other hand looked quite sad "oh..." Chan said with a down expression. Before Jeongin stepped out the door, Chan yelled, "JEONGIN!!" Jeongin turned back to look at Chan slightly wide eyed. "Why... why don't you stay the night?" Jeongin's eyes fully widened, he didn't really know how he felt at that moment, but he was sure that it was happiness. He hesitated to answer for a moment but after a while he said, "sure", while he started turning red and smiling. "Really??" Chan said excitedly. "Yeah, why not?" Jeongin walked back over to the couch and plopped himself down on it dropping his bag next to him. "Movie?" Chan asked, "Movie" Jeongin replied back.

Sorry I haven't updated in like a month 😂 I got stuck. Thanks King_Jimin for basically writing this whole chapter for me. I got stuck after like the first 2 sentences 😂 Anyways...

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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