To A Head

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"They said we weren't doing anything with mutants," K said in a shell shocked tone as she and Logan made their way back to Westchester. "That mission was supposed to be screwing with AIM and their chain of supply for radioactive materials."

"Yeah, well ... seems like they lied," Logan said, though he was just as surprised at how the day had gone. The two of them were quiet, more or less on the way back. Neither of them had thought they'd see things go the way they had. It simply didn't make sense for what they knew. "Of course ... if this was trafficking like Nick said, gettin' word out that it was nuclear would keep people away."

K huffed in irritation and turned to stare out the window. That wasn't the part that had bugged her. She knew that nuclear labeling was often misused like this. Or dangerous chemicals. Or any number of blatant lies told to the public to move dangerous materials and people. Threats like that on public roadways had people inviting the police to shut things down so there were no surprises. No accidents. This ... this was different. Fury wasn't surprised. And he knew that the Avengers were lightweights when it came to helping out mutants in trouble. For that? If they knew it was mutants? They'd always either turned a blind eye or causally mentioned it to Hank. Or Charles. This... this was not that.

The radio news report started up even before the last chords had rung out fully from Turn The Page and the two Howletts shared a look as the broadcast started in earnest, just past the station's call sign.

"The Avengers are being cheered by civil rights groups for today's action in rescuing a group of at-risk teenagers - all of whom were physically compromised mutants. The team stepped in to stop what authorities are calling an illegal trafficking ring. Details will be released later tonight at a press conference. Already, rumors are swirling on whether or not SHIELD and the Avengers will be stepping up to become the first mutant protection team to help at risk youth afflicted by an active x-gene to find a secure place well away from the general public.

There's no word on what kind of secure facility that will be, but speculation by leading experts say-"

Logan reached out and flipped off the radio, looking more tense than he had in months. This ... not one bit of this was good.

"That's it," K said in a flat tone. "Scott's going to die and it's going to be our fault. He's going to stroke out and he's never going to get to know what his baby is. Because he's not equipped for this level of bullshit."

"He'll be fine," Logan said. "It's just speculation by idiots with a microphone. You an' I both know Cap and Stark have no intention to deal with mutant kids."

"Yeah. But that isn't the part that's gonna launch him into orbit, love. The part where they said that SHIELD was making the first safe place for mutants. Even if it clearly sounds like a damned prison ... that ... that ... is bad."

"You can't be surprised, sweetheart," Logan said without looking her way. He knew she was right, but he was already going into damage control. Gathering his defense when they crossed paths with Scott and Charles. And he knew Scott would be waiting for him. "They've been sayin' we're nothin' but terrorists for longer'n the team's even been around."

K crossed her arms and sat back into her seat further. "Kinda want to blow something up right now ..."

Logan smirked, though it didn't last him long. "I don't like it either," Logan admitted. "But ... somethin's wrong. And I want to know what it is."

"It's Cap," K said without missing a beat.

"I thought you liked him."

"I do. When he's acting like himself. This guy? If it wasn't for the fact that he passed the sniff test and acts like he used to sometimes, I'd think he was a shapeshifter or something." She shifted in her seat. "And you know how much I like those guys."

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