Ditching the party

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(Setting: Present day, high school, prob junior year but idc it's up to you✨)

That chilly November evening, you thought about how you hated everything. You hated the party, you hated that you were alone, and you hated your "friends" for abandoning you there, going off to get drunk and make-out with people.
You sat alone in the back yard, thankful that there was at least one place that was quiet so you could feel at ease. You sighed, closing your eyes, letting your head lay heavy against the swinging outdoor bench. You listened absentmindedly the rhythmic base of the music they were playing inside from your spot in the back yard.
You were letting yourself space out, wondering if you should just call an Uber and go to your lonely home, when you heard footsteps coming your direction. Your eyes snapped open and searched the yard for whoever was walking your way.
A well built, but thin boy probably around your age was walking aimlessly through the yard, wearing black jeans and a green turtleneck. Light from the backyard's pool reflected other-worldly blue light onto his face. You could tell his hair was red-ish from the small yellow outdoor lamps coming off the house, but the light of the pool made it look almost muddy-purple.
The two of you locked eyes and you waved to him awkwardly. He waved back, almost just as awkward and lightly cocked his head.
He pointed to the spot next to you as if asking "may I join you?" and you shrugged, patting it as a way to say "sure, why not". As he walked over you noticed a pair of long cherry earrings sparkle and sway with his stride. You also couldn't help but notice that he was rather attractive, though, just because he didn't look like the other basic fuckboys at the party, didn't mean he wasn't an ass.
He reached the bench smiled. Sitting on the opposite side of the bench, he introduced himself:
"I'm Kakyoin, thanks for letting me hang out with you. This place really isn't my scene"
"I'm (y/n), and you're welcome. It isn't really mine either"
You noticed the slight accent he had and his rather polite mannerisms. Probably a transfer or something...interesting. You thought.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, the slight squeak of the rocking bench filling the awkward void of quiet.
The two of you both spoke at once and caught each other off guard. You laughed it off and he told you to go ahead.
"Are you from around here?" You asked, hoping you didn't offend.
"Oh, no, I moved to America about this time last year for my mothers job, and we moved here two days ago" his shoulders sunk slightly and he gave you a sad smile.
"Is my english bad?" He laughed shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"No, not at all. You're just a new face around here." You responded, smiling. "It's kinda refreshing"
His face lit up a bit at your reassurance, and a bit of pink dusted your face. "He's definitely cute" you thought.
"Well, it's my turn to ask you something then, right?"
You shrugged, "only if you'd like to"
"Alright, then, why are you out here all alone?" He asked.
You pulled your knees up, resting your head on them. "I was abandoned by my-" you paused and made quotations in the air with your fingers "-friends."
He nodded, looking off toward the house, music still bumping.
"I was invited by some people who I believe were trying to befriend me, but they lost interest" he crossed his arms, his eyes downcast.
"I'm sorry, people are assholes" you leaned your head on his muscular shoulder and he tensed up.
You lifted your head "ah- I'm sorry" you moved, squishing yourself against the side of the small bench to give him space.
"You were fine, sorry, I'm just not used to people all that much..." he motioned for you to resume your previous position. You did so, and stayed quiet as the sounds of the faint night and the muffled sound of music filled the air.
He pulled out his phone and some earbuds, offering you one. You took it and closed your eyes as he played his music.
-Be still my beating heart, by Sting plays-

You pull out your own phone and open your contacts. You nudge him, and he opens his. You trade phones and fill your contacts. You send him a message to make sure it's right.

-hey cherry boy :P

He laughs lightly at your message and sent one back.

-Hey bench-lurker 草草草

You cocked your head at, what you believed to be, kanji he typed.
"Sorry to be a stupid American, but what did that mean?" You ask, looking up at him and pointing to the Japanese figures.
"Oh right, it's what's usually used to describe laughing" he paused, and added "sort of like.... L O L" You nodded, noting it mentally.
The next song played and you smiled as you recognized it.
-Every Breath You Take by The Police plays-
"So, do you like a lot of older music?" You asked.
He nodded "The first music in English I listened to was Sting, who was the lead singer of The Police" he smiled.
"That's cool, what else do you like?"
"Oh, a lot of stuff, I'll send you my playlist if you're interested" he said, sounding a little excited to share his music taste.
"Sure, I'll check it out when I get home."
He texted it to you and you both returned to a comfortable silence.

"What kind of music do you like?" He said, looking down at you.
You had been drifting off a little so it took you a moment to answer; "oh- uhm I like (fav artists/bands) a lot, and (genre) is pretty cool"
He nodded, and you slipped into silence again.

You were a little startled as he moved, lifting your head up off his shoulder and taking out your earbud to look at him. "Sorry, I just needed to get a bit more comfortable" he paused for a moment, his arm was now hung over the bench and he was angled more toward you, his legs propped up on a small table in front of the bench . "You can lay on my chest if you want"
You blushed lightly and did so, in a bit of an odd semi-cuddling position with him. You put your earbud back in, and lifted your phone to checked the time.


You sighed, knowing you needed to go home soon, even if there'd be no one waiting for you when you got there.
"Are you alright?" Kakyoin asked, sounding a little worried
"I'm fine, I just should probably go home soon. But...I rode here with one of the friends that abandoned me" you grumbled, burying your face into his chest. His green turtleneck was soft and he smelt nice, like laundry and fresh cherries. He draped his arm around you and gently pet your head. "Do you want me to give you a ride? I drove here myself"
"Only if it's not too out of the way, I can walk or get an Uber if I need too" you said, not wanting to make this nice dude drive you home. "It's not like I need to be home soon. My parents are out of town." He responded with a hum.
"My parents are also out, I don't think they even know I'm not home" he chuckled, making your head bounce lightly on his chest.
You guys relaxed, returning to a familiar quiet.

-Heroes by David Bowie plays through the earbuds-

"Do you like video games?" He asked out of the blue. "Mhm- why? You wanna go get your ass kicked at Mortal Combat?"
He laughed "Maybe, or maybe I want to kick your ass at Soul Caliber"
You sat up and looked at him.
"We should totally ditch this place and play- mine or yours?" You asked, getting excited.
"Oh! Sure, Let's go to mine, if that's alright" he said, sitting up as well. You nodded and the two of you left, not bothering to tell any of your "friends".

(To be continued in the next chapter! :] )
Authors note- the songs I mentioned were things Kakyoin actually could've listened to before/during Stardust Crusaders! Also, His favorite band canonically is Sting so that's pretty cool. Anyway, here's the playlist I made for him that he would've sent the reader(since this is a present day au fic) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6vHxgIc6jjUPXLX9SgEEA8?si=WieZ8HMPQ46pkdqDOYYupQ
(If the link doesn't work look up "Emerald Nights🍒" on Spotify :]

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