Epic Gamer Moment

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(Continuation to the last chapter!)
(Sorry if you guys don't like David Bowie but uhhh you don't exist if you dislike his music. Sorry, I don't make the rules)
(Also, f/c is your fav color, and vs/Co-op means versus or cooperative game)

The two of you blasted more David Bowie in the car, singing dramatically to songs like Rebel Rebel and Oh! You pretty things .
You couldn't help but admire how goofy and adorable he was, and you couldn't care less that you were about to go to a guys house that you just met. You'd spent maybe two or three hours of time together and you already felt safer around him than half the guys at your school.

You reached his house pretty quick, and he pulled into his driveway. He quickly got out of the car and ran to your side, opening the door. "My lady" he said and you laughed. "Why thank you, kind sir" You said as stepped out of the car gracefully, pretending you were some kind of noble leaving a carriage. Walked to his front door together and you snickered light heartedly as he fumbled the keys. He unlocked the door and held it open for you, letting you go in first.
You gave him a quiet "thank you" and walked in. It was nice, not supper fancy but definitely a little more up-scale. You noticed he pulled off his shoes, and took yours off as well. You remembered that it was common curtesy in Japan to take your shoes off before entering your home.
He locked the door behind the both of you and offered his hand. You took it and he led you out of the entrance and to the stairs, turning left to what you assumed was his room. He flicked on the lights, and turned to you.
"I'm kinda thirsty, we have some (soda), do you want one?"
You responded with a simple "sure" and he nodded.
"Ok, make yourself at home I guess. I'll be back in a second." He smiled and left you alone in his room. You took this time alone to take in the scenery of his room.
The walls were a deep, emerald green, with swirls of (what you assumed were) hand painted glittery green. The floor was a simple but soft creme carpet.A tall black shelf holding art supplies, books, and video games was on the right side of the entrance. Beside the shelf was a closet, the doors painted black with little white stars dotted along them,cloudy strips of blue and pink giving it a more of a "galaxy" feel. You smirked when you saw little Galaga ships shooting lasers at each other. "What a dork" you thought to yourself as you looked around the rest of his room.
Paintings of different characters, scenery, and what you assumed were real people were scattered about the room, some hung up and others stacked on the floor. You took note of a large angled desk, likely used for his art and schoolwork, that's color matched his shelf. Above the desk was a window, light blocking black curtains covering it.
His bed was simple, but you smiled when you noticed a small creeper plush tucked under his covers. Against the wall opposite of the bed was a nice Tv and multiple consoles, new and old.
You jumped a bit and turned toward the door as you heard it creak open-
"Sorry, my rooms a bit messy at the moment, I wasn't really expecting anyone to be over" he laughed nervously.
He handed you your soda and sat on his bed. You sat next to him and opened yours, taking a small sip.
"So, what should we play? You name it and I probably have it." He smiled, sounding a little proud of himself.
You thought for a moment, humming as you scanned through different game titles in your head.
"How about (fav VS/Co-op game)?" You said, tilting your head to the side. He nodded and set down his drink, walking over to his shelf to look through his various games. After a few minutes he pulled out the game triumphantly, presenting it to you. You laughed at his over the top presentation and watched patiently as he turned on the tv and the console, grabbing controllers for the two of you. He handed one to you as he returned to his spot beside you on the bed. You gladly accepted, noticing that the two controllers had the same black and green sort of theme as his room.
"I guess you like green?" You asked. His face flushed a little.
"I guess it's pretty obvious huh? Yeah, I do. Especially a sparkly emerald green."
"What's your favorite color?" He inquired.
"Oh, it's hard to choose, is pretty even between (f/c 1), (f/c 2), and (f/c 3)."
He nodded and the two of you turned your attention to the game.

The two of you spent at least an hour gaming, occasionally asking each other a question or remarking on the other person. As you played, you got more and more tired, leaning on the taller boy sleepily while you played.
"Wanna watch a movie or something? You seem a little tired" Kakyoin offered nudging you who'd been drifting off and letting your muscle memory play the game for you.
You yawned and gave him a sleepy "alright" and set down your controller. He paused the game and smiled at your drowsy mood, yawning and leaning his head on yours, noticing how tired he was too. Checking his phone, he saw it was a little past 2:30am, so it was pretty late.
"Actually, do you want me to take you home? It's almost 3am" he said, a his tone a little sad, but mostly concerned for you.
You rubbed your face to wake yourself up some. "I don't want to make you drive, I can call an Uber. It's ok" you smiled at him, and realized you were taking up this poor boys time and probably ruining his sleep schedule.
"I'm sorry I stayed so long" you muttered looking down. He lifted his head from yours and turned your face toward his.
"This is the best time I've had since I moved here, don't apologize."
The two of you continued to debate on you leaving, until you came to the agreement that it was safer for you to just stay at his house for the night.

"You can use some of my older pajamas, they should fit. And I think we have a spare toothbrush you can use too." He opened his closet, pulling out a matching top and bottom pajama set that was simple and black. You accepted the clothes with a thank you and turned to leave before realizing you didn't know where his bathroom was.
He smiled and led you to it, leaving you there alone to get changed.
You put on the pajamas, a bit too big but still comfortable. You folded your own clothing and left the bathroom, returning to his room.
You opened the door and blushed as you saw Kakyoin only half dressed in his pajamas, still pulling on his shirt. You squeaked an "I'm sorry!" and shut the door. You backed away from the door, face still hot with embarrassment. About a minute later,Kakyoin opened his door, a faint blush evident on his face as well.
"I'm really sorry- I- I should've knocked-" you stuttered. He laughed a little and put a hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, it's ok, really. If I was that worried about it I should've locked the door." This helped you calm down a bit.
"o-oh.. I guess you're right" you responded, still blushing.
The two of you walked into his room, and realized you'd need to sleep somewhere.
"I can sleep on the floor, you're nice enough to be letting someone who's practically a stranger stay over."
"It's ok, you can take my bed, I can sleep downstairs on the couch. I'd offer you a spare bedroom but we don't really have one.."
"No no it's ok!! Really, I'm fine on the floor or the couch, you've got carpet so it'll be fine!"

The two of you continued to debate over where you'd be sleeping, until you finally came to the agreement that you'd share the bed.

He turned on a random sci-fi horror movie to help ease the awkward tension of sharing a bed. You sat slightly far apart, not wanting to make things awkward.
As the movie went on, the two of you got more comfortable, leaning back and getting a bit closer. The two of you would occasionally laugh or make comments on how bad the movie was, until you fell asleep.

He noticed you were asleep when you didn't respond to one of his comments. He admired your sleeping face in the faint light the TV emitted, gently tucking a piece of hair that fell in front of your face behind your ear.
He blushed and shook his head- he shouldn't be doing such romantic things. The two of you just met after all! Though, you did get along very well...

Shaking his head again, he got up, turning off the TV and returning to bed. He couldn't lie, it felt... oddly nice to have another body next to him. Even if you were practically a stranger. Your quiet breaths distracting him from the thoughts that usually plagued him, he smiled faintly and drifted off to sleep.

(A/N- I hope you guys enjoyed this :] See you all next chapter!💕)

My Retro Lover- A Kakyoin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now