The Morning

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(⚠️TW for a reptile ig?)

You let out a deep breath as your eyes slowly opened, squinting as beams of sunlight hit your face. You attempted to move but found that you couldn't- panicking as you realized you weren't in your own room. Your brain finally processed your situation, recalling the events of last night, and you let yourself relax.
Your face flushed as you realized you were bound by a pair of strong arms, belonging to the cherry-haired boy you'd met yesterday. You once again tried to wiggle your way out of his grip, but sighed at your useless efforts as he stirred in his sleep and held you tighter.
You spotted a small old-fashioned alarm clock sat on his bedside table, reading 8:35am. You stifled a yawn as you realized you'd only slept for about five hours and turned over, almost face-to-chest with Kakyoin. You breathed in his foreign, yet comforting, scent and let sleep take you once more.

You awoke a second time to the faint smell of food wafting up to where you slept. You groaned as you stretched- feeling simultaneously sad and glad you were free of Kakyoin's arms.
You sat up and looked at the alarm clock once again and read the time. 10:45am blinked the green lights. You swung your legs to the side of the bed and removed the covers, wincing as cool air enveloped your body. You stood, running your hands up and down your arms and peddling your legs for a moment to warm yourself up, and made your way out of Kakyoin's room.

You hadn't noticed before, but along the walls outside of the rooms hung pictures of Kakyoin and what you assumed was his family. You couldn't help but let a small smile tug at your lips as you looked at the many framed photos, the young red-head still sporting the same odd  hairstyle he does now.
You pulled your attention away from the photos as your stomach growled, and made your way to the staircase. You yawned and rubbed your eyes as you slowly descended the steps.
You froze halfway down as you heard the muffled sound of Kakyoin talking in a low voice, but no response. "Is he on the phone?" You wondered as you crept the rest of the way down the stairs.
You turned and saw the entrance of his kitchen, the table already set with some seemingly fresh scrambled eggs on two plates. You entered and realized he wasn't there. "Must be in the living room" you thought.
You exited the kitchen and wandered into the living room, seeing him(still in pajamas) facing a large tank.
"k-Kakyoin?" Your voice was raspy and cracked due to your grogginess.
Kakyoin jumped a bit hearing you "o-oh! Y/n! Sorry, you can't just sneak up on me like that" he rubbed the back of his neck.
"What is that?" You asked, pointing at the glass tank.
"Ah, this is Hierophant's home" he said, moving to show the little decorated name tag that was stuck to the side of the enclosure.
"What is Hierophant?" You inquired, moving closer to peer inside. You saw the green scaled side of some kind of creature move by the glass and jumped back a little.
"He's a crested gecko!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"...sorry, are you not a fan of reptiles?" Kakyoin asked, noting your wide eyed expression. 
"N-no, they're fine... he's very pretty" you said, once again approaching the tank to see Hierophant. The gecko crawled up a small branch within the enclosure, resting its green scaled body on the mossy wood. You watched as the reptile hunted a cricket, absolutely enthralled by the little creature. Kakyoin smiled at your child-like wonderment but snapped back to reality as he remembered what was left in the kitchen.
"Ah- y/n?" He nudged you, bringing you back to the present situation. "Breakfast?"
The two of you returned to the kitchen and ate your breakfast quietly.
You thanked him for making food and he insisted it was fine and cleaned up for you. You went upstairs and got changed while he did so, folding the pajamas he lent you and leaving them on his bed.

You'd just finished dressing when Kakyoin knocked on the door.
"Are you finished changing?"
"Yeah, come in"
He entered and the two of you stood in an awkward silence, both knowing you probably should go home.
"Uh-" "so-"
The two of you both tried to speak, accidentally talking over each other, much like the other night.
"You first" he insisted.
"Well, uhm, thank you for having me over. It was really nice meeting you and hanging out... we should hang out more- only if you want though!" You rambled, your anxiousness getting the best of you.
He smiled at your flustered antics and interrupted your ramblings- "I'd love to hang out more, don't worry. Do you need me to give you a ride home?" He asked
You assured him it was fine, not wanting to make him drive you around any more, and called an Uber. You talked about little things like "how old is Hierophant?" And "did you have any other pets?" Etc, until your Uber arrived.
You said your goodbyes and he requested you message him when you got home. You assured him you would and left, watching his house become smaller and smaller in the distance until it was out of sight.

-car ride time skip whoop-

You reached your house and payed your driver, exiting the Uber and retrieving the hidden key from within the (admittedly fake) plant after he'd driven away. You unlocked your house and re-hid the key, stepping in and sighing, already feeling loneliness wash over you. You locked your door, slipped off your shoes, and went to your room.
You flopped onto your bed, and remembered that Kakyoin had requested you message him.

Y/n- Hey Kak! I made it homeee

You waited for his response, pulling your legs to your chest. You could still sort of smell the scent of him on you. Your face warmed as you thought about him, thinking over the events from the previous night. Your phone buzzed pulling you back to reality-

Cherry boy- I'm glad! I was beginning to get a bit worried (^_^;)

"he was worried about me?" You thought, your face growing more red. You buried your face in your pillow, letting out a muffled "uGHHH!". You didn't get it, why could this dude make you so flustered over the littlest things?? You made yourself stop freaking out and messaged him back.

Y/n- Sorry to worry! Anyway, whats ur class schedule? I didn't see u in any of my classes on Friday

Cherry Boy- Hah, no worries. You probably didn't see me because I was getting a tour for most of the day & then I had to talk with the office about things. Do you want to see my schedule paper?

The two of you talked about your schedules and figure out that you had Art II, History, English, and Geometry together.
After, you both text for a while, sending random things you find funny and examples of your artwork. A few hours pass of this, and you realize it's already almost dinner time.

Y/n-TTYL Kak, I've gotta eat. Make sure u have dinner too!!

Cherry boy-Will do! o(ω' )o

You go into your kitchen and raid your fridge, finding some old spaghetti and warming it in the microwave. While you eat, you remember that Kakyoin had given you a playlist to listen to! You go back through your texts and click the link, listening while you ate your reheated spaghetti dinner.


This is what I think Hierophant would look like, an olive crested gecko w/yellow eyes :]  Sorry this chapter is a little short and a bit boring, I'm honestly not the best when it comes to writing Begsiensg-  also I apologize the txting is in a dif...

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This is what I think Hierophant would look like, an olive crested gecko w/yellow eyes :] 
Sorry this chapter is a little short and a bit boring, I'm honestly not the best when it comes to writing Begsiensg-  also I apologize the txting is in a different format than before, I just wanted to make it more obvious who was talking. Anyway,I hope you enjoyed, and remember to vote if you did💕

My Retro Lover- A Kakyoin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now