Classes and Confrontation

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A/n- Hey hey readers, nice to see you! I hope you've all been doing well, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!
TW- harsh language, bullying

You walked into your first period, History, and sighed. Your "friends" were already in their seats around your assigned spot. You took a deep breath, walked calmly over, and sat down- pretending not to notice their stares.
"So, how big is that red head transfer?" James- probably your least favorite person- asked aloud, leaning over his chair and onto your desk.
Your face scrunched up in irritation and disgust. "I didn't sleep with him, perv."
He feigned shock "oh? A desperate bitch like you didn't sleep with the first person to approach you? Damn, I knew you were a prude."
You felt anger bubble up in your stomach but kept your cool, rolling your eyes and putting in headphones to ignore him. Your "friends" just snickered along with him, making their own snide and vulgar comments as well as flaunting their own "great" experiences.
Eventually class started, testing your ability to keep your head up and not fall asleep as your teacher droned on about oceanic evolution.

You began to let your thoughts wander, subconsciously trailing back to Kakyoin. Should you tell him about what your "friends" were saying? You didn't want to worry him or make him uncomfortable- the last thing you wanted to do was drive him away- but you also didn't want to lie to him about things being fine. He worried about you enough, you didn't want to give the poor dude an anxiety attack.

You were cut short in your thinking as the bell blared it's dreadful chime. James attempted to prod at you again as you packed your things, but you turned up your volume to block him out.
Growing angry from your lack of attention, he pulled out your earbuds and pushed your sketchbook to the floor. He grabbed you by the neckline of your shirt before you could dive down to grab your sketchbook- pulling you close to his face.
"Listen here bitch- you fucking listen to me when I'm talking. I don't waste my breath on your sorry ass just for you to ignore me"
Your heart beat skyrocketed with panic- and you struggled to release your shirt from his grip. You writhed in panic and he snickered, pulling you closer to him, lips centimeters from your own.
You finally managed to knee him where the sun don't shine, grab your sketchbook and your bag, and bolt out of the room- fidgeting with your headphones so you wouldn't trip over their wire while you put one in your ear.

You didn't think as you walked as fast as possible- practically sprinting- to your next class, carefully avoiding teachers that might try to stop your anxious dash. Adrenaline still pulsed fast through your limbs as you reached your second period class. You waited for a moment outside the door, catching your breath and putting on your bag. You needed to figure out a reason as to why you were out of breath, since you'd already decided on your mad dash to class you wouldn't tell Nori about James.
You took a final, shaky, deep breath and opened the door, spotting the taller red head sitting in the back with an open chair beside him.

"Are you alright y/n? You look a little shaken.."
You waved off his concern and made something up off the spot-
"I'm fine, I just had to rush after helping clean up the room after class" you chuckled nervously and hoped he didn't question you any further.
He seemed to take your word and moved on, grabbing his sketchbook from his bag and flipping to a new page.
You followed suit with your own sketchbook, grabbing a pencil and eraser from your bag and placing them on your desk.

Soon after everyone had filled into class, the teacher began giving you instructions.
"Alright guys, today I'm giving you a composition assignment! Let's be honest, we all could use some practice drawing realistic figures"
A chorus of groans and sighs echoed through the classroom, and you found yourself sighing as well.
"Hey, hey no need to be so excited about it..." the teacher scoffed sarcastically and moved on "...Anyway, you each get to choose your own subject. I'd prefer it be someone or something in this room so that you can have a decent reference. This will be due tomorrow during the beginning of class so don't procrastinate!" Your teacher talked about what he'd grade, what he was expecting, blah blah... you weren't paying too much attention.

You looked about the room, trying to find a good topic for your assignment. You finally just decided to draw the paint cans in the room's corner.
You quickly pulled out your phone to capture your reference, propped it up, and got to work.

(Kakyoin's POV)

He noticed that you seemed to be keeping something from him, but he didn't want to stress you out if you were uncomfortable sharing. Your business was your business, and he didn't want to intrude.

After everyone had filled into class after you, he listened carefully to the instructor talk about their assignment, writing small notes so he knew what he needed to do and what would count toward his grade. He looked over to you and noticed you looked rather bored, scanning the room for something to draw.
After you'd gotten to work, he had decided what he wanted to draw.

He started with simple shapes, drawing the profile base he usually would use and your pose. Then adding the smaller things, like your eye shape, lips, and your cute nose. He gently added your hair with light, feathered pencil strokes, trying to get the right shading.

Eventually you looked up at him, having noticed his frequent peaks at you. He felt his face heat a bit, smiling as you caught him looking at you.
"What are you drawing?" He asked, trying to avoid suspicion.
"That paint corner- enough about my art though, I'm much more interested in what you're drawing."  You emphasize your words, pointing your pencil accusingly at him.
He showed the drawing to you, seeing no purpose in hiding it. He was genuinely proud- so far it looked good!

(Your POV)

Your eyes widened at Kakyoin's drawing- it was... you? It was really good, but you couldn't help but feel a little flustered that he chose to do his assignment with you as his subject.
He seemed to pick up on your silence, starting to get a little worried. "Sorry- is it bad?"
"No, its great! it's just-" you sighed "just.. ask next time."
You turned away from him, feeling flustered.
"Oh, alright, I'll remember that next time." He smiled and started drawing again, leaving you with your thoughts and your half finished paint corner.

Eventually, the bell rung and you began cleaning up, still flustered from the previous events.
"Only five more classes left... hopefully I make it." You thought, feeling exhausted and ready to go home.

A/n- Hey gamerrrssss, I tried to get a bit more of Kakyoin's cocky but also a bit clueless in social situations sort of personality here, I hope it came off right. Hopefully the next chapter doesn't take forever like this one, but who knows since I've got testing next week wbshejeb- anyway, love you guys!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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