Back at school

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(A/n- Hey homies! Sorry this chapter took forever, I've been not in the best mental place and school is eating up what little energy I have left- anyway, enjoy and remember to leave a vote ❤️)


You frantically ran your hand against your nightstand to find your phone and shut off your screaming alarm. Growing more and more annoyed and aggressive in your searching, you roll out of bed and find your phone on the floor.
You quickly shut off the awful wake-up noise and rub your bleary eyes. You groan as you stand, using your nightstand to help pull yourself up.
You walk over to your closet, and pull out some random comfortable things you liked. After getting dressed, you walked over to your vanity and prepared your face and hair. You looked in the mirror for a bit and sighed, not really happy with yourself, but knowing you couldn't do much you simply grabbed your phone and walked away into the kitchen.

You got some generic breakfast and caffeine, checking your phone to make sure you were staying on time. You sat down at the table, drinking your coffee and eating your breakfast.
Thoughts of the boy you'd been becoming fast friends with since you met this weekend crept into your mind. "I wonder how our classes will be together..." you thought, taking a final bite of your food.
You finished up your caffeine and got up to wash off your dish and clean out your mug, feeling your phone vibrate in your pocket as you did so. Quickly drying your hands, you pulled out your phone and checked the message.

Cherry man- Morning y/n, did you actually sleep last night?

You chuckled to yourself and quickly wrote back:

Y/n- Barely, I was up all night playing (fav. Game) and listening to that playlist you sent me lol

You glanced up at the time and grumbled, knowing you should get going. Thankfully your high school was in walking distance of your house. After doing a quick check to make sure you had everything you made your way out of your house, beginning to wish you'd drank another cup of coffee.
You felt your phone buzz again as you finished locking your door. You quickly pulled it out, weirdly excited to see if it was another message from Kakyoin. You smiled as your prediction was right, and read his message.

Cherry man- I'm glad you like the music, but please get some rest tonight ('o`;

You blushed at his concern, and shook your head. "He's just a caring person," You thought "I'm sure he'd say things like that to anyone he was friends with."

Y/n- I'll tryyyy

You replied and sped up your walking pace, hoping to get to the school so you could take your mind off your conflicting feelings. On one hand you wanted to become closer to him and you felt really comfortable with him, but on the other hand he could leave at any moment, just like everyone else has.

You looked around as you walked, noticing a small stray lazing about on the sidewalk. You checked your time- still plenty to spare- and went to pet the cat. It's ears twitched as it saw you approach, but didn't move as you ban to pet it. You smiled as it began to purr, the soft grumbles putting you at ease.

(Kakyoin's POV)

The boy sighed, honestly a bit concerned for you. He hadn't known you long, but he could tell by the deep-set bags under your eyes and your frequent late-night messages that you didn't sleep very much- if at all.
He'd also been one to stay up later, for sure, but you were practically living in Japan's time zone. He twirled the long curly bang of hair in front of his face, a common occurrence when he was mulling over things. He snapped back to reality when he heard meows from across the street.

He looked over to the street across from him and spotted you crouched down.. talking to a cat?

-your POV-
After a bit of petting, the cat started meowing at you. You meowed back, and before you knew it, you were having a whole "conversation" with the small fluffy creature. You mimicked it's meows back and fourth for a bit, but then remembered you needed to get to school. You stopped petting the talkative fluff ball and stood, checking your phone for the time.
Walking off, you felt something brush up against your leg.
You looked down to see the stray by your feet, looking at you as if expecting a response.
You opened your mouth to respond when a deeper "meow!" from your right interrupted you.
You and the cat look over to see Kakyoin approaching you, a faint smirk adorning his face.
"Sorry, I didn't meant to interrupt your.. conversation" he chuckled, reaching down and petting the small animal.
You covered your face with a hand in embarrassment. You hadn't expected anyone- especially Kakyoin- to see you talking with the cat.
You cleared your throat and responded "it's alright, you came at the... purrfect time" you grinned, smiling wider as you saw Kakyoin roll his eyes.
"Alright, let's get going, it might be a catastrophe if we're late." He said dramatically, placing his hand on his chest. You both giggled and made your way to school, talking casually about cats, how your nights went the previous day, and anything else that came to mind.

(Time skip as you two walk)

Reaching the school gates, Kakyoin pulled out his schedule. You scooted closer to see his classes, squinting to read the blocky print on the pink paper.
"Looks like we have 2nd, 3rd, lunch, 5th, & 6th  together! I'll help you get caught up!" You smiled, glad to have at least a few classes with the red head.
He nodded in response and checked his phone
"Only a few more minutes until class, I guess I'll see you second period?"
"Yeah, see you there!"
You both parted ways and went to your separate first periods, excitedly hoping to sit together in your other classes.

A/n- Hey hey! Thanks again for reading! I can't promise when the next chapter will be out, but I'll hopefully be able to write it soon. Let me know any suggestions or requests you have in the comments!
-Edit- I went back and read the previous chapter and realized I made a mistake here, sorry for that!!

My Retro Lover- A Kakyoin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now