Believe Me Dear I'm Trying

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*Thank you for all the support with this story guys! Its amazing to get comments and that people love it! You could say i could be happier ;)  Im going to tr and keep uploading as often as possible, but im going through a rough spot at the moment. so in about a week or so i shoudl be okay. Being depressed and anxiety arn't fun, but i should be happier soon... i hope. Happy new year to everyone. Enjoy!*

It was around 7am. The room was filled with warm air, the light was peaking through the crack in the cream curtains. There in the room lay Kristin, who was asleep still. They had woken up in the early hours of the morning, ended up crying and had sex. What a night that was. She continued to sleep.

In living room, stood Idina. She was looking out the big window, which was at the end of the room and had a full vie of New York. Idina stook and looked outside, she saw all the hustle and bussle. It was very cold outside, and it had been snowing last night; not much bit there was a thin layer of snow covering the streets. 

Idina was wearing her dark pj bottems, with a black long sleved top, with her cardigan that drapped down the side of her hips. The brunette looked down at her hands and pulled her sleeves down, so her hands were hidden away. She continued to stair out the window, almost in a trance. She knew if she didnt stop soon, she would start to overthink; this drained the brunette, and just set her up for a bad start to the day.

She wasn't going into WICKED today because she was looking after Kristin, although right now, she was the one that needed looking after. The brunette heard a movment behind her and felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist into a tight grip. The tall woman knew it was Kristin.

"Morning beautiful."

Idina's heart skipped a beat, she loved being called beautiful, she didn't feel beautiful, but it was nice hearing it from time to time.

"Morning princess, hows my girl?"

Idina turned around and pulled the petitie blonde in for an ambracing hug. The blonde hugged back, going onto her tip-toes and nuzzling her face ino Idina's shoulder.

Kristin parted a bit too early. She looked up at Idina, she was hiding something, it was writen all over her face. Idina knew something was up,

"Kris, what happened? You look upset."

Kristin took Idinas hands and moved her over to te couch. She hat down next to Idina, she never let go of her hands.

"Dee, is there anything yo u need to tell me? Anything you want to get of your chest?"

Kristin looked at Idinas eyes, those big grows beautiful eyes they Kristin fell for every time she looked at them long enough. Idinas eyes started to wander around the room. Kristin knew she was getting uncofterable.

"I- umm- I dont know what you mean Kris? Im fine, honneslty, i havent done anything wrong have i?"

Idina glanced up at Kristins eyes, then continued to stair around the room again. he brunette could feel Kristins star burn through her eyes.

"So, baby you sure, there is nothing you need to tell me? You completly fine?"

Kristin began to let her emotions take control. She bagan to get sarcasic, as she was getting mad.

"Okay, your fine, im fine, well all fine. Our relationship is fine."

Kristin let go of Idinas hands and stood up. 

"So nothing happened last night? Your fine! You wen't to bed and slept the whole night?"

Idina was worried, did Kristin know what she had said? Did she overhear her? She might of just saw her get out of bed, and go to the window. She didnt ned to know about what she was feeling. Because the state Kristin had been in the past few days, she didnt need this too.

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