Never trust a hug, you cant see there face.

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AWWW get ready for some CHENZEL feels. The title of this chapter is a quote from Doctor Who. They're so darn cute OMG! Enjoy, nothing much happens here to do with drama, just a cute chenzel chapter. :) Enjoy guys.

Idina woke up seeing Kristins face, which was staring back at her. She blushed as she saw how beautiful she looked.

"Morning beautiful."

She glanced over at Kristins lips, feeling the need for them to be on hers. 

"How did yo-"

Idina was cut off by Kristins lips againts hers. They pushed the kiss on for a long time, going slowley as Kristin took control, and more passinate the longer it went on for. Idina put her hands round Kristins tiny waist and stroked up and down her sides, Kristin felt instantly heated. Kristin decided to slide some cheeky tounge into the kiss, the moment there tounges colided it was like magic. They slowed down and ended it. Kristin planted some kisses of Idinas neck, she knew Idina loved that.

"Well what a way to start the morning"

Idina looked over to Kristin, she just loved her so much.

"Fancy some coffee?"

Kristin knew Idina liked a cup of warm coffee in the morning. It mentaly preppeard her for the chaotic day that lied ahead for her, doing 8 shows a week, couldnt of been easy for her, Kristin looked after her ver well. 

"Oh baby dont leave me."

Idina said playfully, she glanced over to Kristin, and winked at her and said,

"Yes please baby"

Kristin drew back all the covers, she placed them all over Idina. Idina let out a little sigh, she was so comfy. Idina wrapped herslef into the quilt. Her hair lay all over the pillows as her arms were layed out onto the bed sheet as the covers covered the rest of her body, she looked so relaxed and... well happy. Kristin went through the bedroom door and went into the Kitchen. She turned on the coffee machine, she got Idinas cup that she used in a morning, it read,

"Im not a morning person"

Kristin let out a little giggle. She placed the cup down onto the bench. The blonde poured some coffee into the cup and two sugars. Kristin then poured the hot coffee into the mug. She got a little plate out and put a few slices of toast there. She took it in to Idina who was sitting up, witht he covers hidding the bottem half of her body. Idina wore a oversizedwhite t-shirt, and had her hair in her usual messy bun. Kristin waled into the room, and smiles at Idina.

"Awww baby, you really didnt need to do all this for me."

Idina looked so shocked. Kristin placed the plate onto the bedside table and crawled into bed with Idina. Idina gently took her lover by the waist and sat her on top of her. Kristin wrapped her legs around Idina, she let out a little giggle and pressed her head against her chest. Idina smiled at Kristin, liftd her head up by her chin and pressed her soft lips against Kristin's. There lips moved together in perfect harmony, just like they did when they were singing.  They slowed down and they parted, Kristin then slipped one more long kiss in. 

"Mmmm baby, your so good to me"

Idina looked Kristin in the eyes, she saw she had a hair hangging infront of her face. She took hold of the piece of hair ever so gently and put it behind her ear. Kristin looked down at Idina's chest and smiled. 

"Oh Kris, you have such a beautiful smile. I loved you so much, you treat me so good, sometimes i feel like im not good enouh for you. You know how much I love you, but I dont tell you or show you enough. I dont know Kris, i just want you to know how special you are, and that I love YOU and want to be with you."

"Aww Dee"

Kristin started to tear up.

"Can i just say how sorry I am, for what happened last night, and how thankfull i am for everything you have done for me. You tided up my place for me, sorted me out and kept me going. I dont know what i would do without you baby."

Idina looked to the right, and looked out the window and she started soflty crying, and a small tear fell down her face. Kristin was still sitting on Idina, she quite liked it actully. She took her finger and swiped it under her eyes so the tear left her face.

"I love you so much too, and its okay, i dont want to see you like that ever again, becuase Dee it breaks me heart, and i want you to know that im always here for you, when you need to talk or things ever get too much, you come streight to me, you got it? And you course your good enough for me, your more than good, your amazing, your the most beautiful person I know, inside and out, and I want to be with YOU and only you. Promise if you ever feel down, or just get sick of everything, you will come and find me. I dont want you to be like thst ever again. Because i didnt know what was going on Dee, i dont want to find you... de- dead o- one dayyy"

Kristin started to cry with Idina. She was so scared for the brunette, she couldnt bear to see her any worse than what she was last night.  Idina dug her face into Kristins shoulder, knowing she couldnt talk to Kristin about some things. She hated the way it was, but it had to be that way. 

Kristin looked at Idinas eyes, she said to her

"For good?"

Idina smiled and replied,

"For good."

They hugged once more,and Idinas head was fuilled with guilt.

Idina could tell Kristin everything, couldn't she?

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