Dark Enough

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Kristins mind went blank. What would she do? She knew Idina had been feeling like this for a while, but she knew deep down she was capable of it.

Kristin continued to try and comfort the brunette, but she had no idea what to do. She couldn't have her locked up, She didn't want he to go to hospital, because thats sure to make everything worse. But Kristin was incabable of dealing with this alone. Kristin looked down at the brunette, who was still crying out in a state of panic, and had went into shock at what she had done, where she was, and what was going to happen next.

The blonde, still held Idina close and tigh into her, she moved her hand of Idinas head which she had been stroking in an attempt to calm her down, turned the nob of the shower right, in order to turn it off. About 10 minuets had passed and Idina was still pouring her heart out into Kristins chest. The brunette had waited so long for this, and she felt Kristin had ruined her one chance of happiness. 

Idina slid of Kristins lap, and lay on the shower floor, she bagan to shiver and the cold air circuled the room. Kristin had relised that she had barged the door open, and thats where the draft had came from. Idina lay so calmly on the shower floor. Kristin climbed out of the shower, she bent down and picked the blade of the floor, moved out into the dressing room and closed the door and hurried back to the bathroom. 

The blonde was clenching the silver blade in her hand, angry at herself. She threw it agresivly down the toilet and flushed it. She watched it go down until the water had stoped running. She closed her eyes and took a breathe in an out. She turned her head around and climbed back into the shower. She sill hadent spoken to Idina yet. She wrapped her arms around the tall woman, who was lying on the floor in a pit of dispair.

"Come on sweetie, lets get you home."

Kristin looked down at Idina trying to move her. But Idina shook her head, she wasnt going to  move. 

"Come on Idina were going home."

Kristin saw Idina role over, her face was stained with her tears, and she still had bits of green in her ears. Kristin thought this was so cute. Idina looked up at Kristin and looked right into her eyes. She was depply depressed and lonley. And Kristn hated the fact that it took her this long to see it.

Kristin had noticed now, that Idina wasnt wearing any cloths. Ant the blondes cloths were soaked too,

"Ill go got you some cloths sweetie, then we can go home."

Idina let out one of those, im exausted mentaly, i dont really want to be here, or in this situation but im to depressed to even care about anything crys. She was exausted.

Kristin left the shower curtain open, went into the dressing room, and grabbed a towel, and some cloths or Idina. The blonde found some of her sweats she could quickly slip into to.

She returned to the bathroom and plut the cloths on the floor. She got the towel and wraped it around Idina. 

"Come on Idina, can you get up for me?"

Idina slowely wiped her face, and reached her arm up for Kristin to take. It felt 50 times heavier. Kristin took Idinas hands and helped her to her feet, and wrapped a towel around her. The petite blonde started to dry Idina, as she wasnt doing anything for herself. She may as well be a potato.

Kristin helped Idina put on her cloths, she gave Idina some sweats. Once she was ready Idina went and sat onto the couch. Her hair was wet and Kristin had tied it up into a messy bun for her. Idina was so very tired. She just was so exausted you could see it in her eyes. She was emotionless and had no spark anymore.

Kristin put some sweats on for herself, and put all the cloths into the washing pile, for Jodie her dresser to take away.

Kristin picked up her and Idinas things, and took Idinas hand to lift her up from the couch. Kristin lead Idina outside her dressing room, holding her hand and never letting go. No one was around the theater, they had all gone home by now. It must have been around 10:30m. Kristin and Idina eft the theater hand in hand and went to Idinas car. 

Kristin sat Idina into the car and put her seatbelt on for her. Idina was so zoned out, she looked like she was in a trance. Kristin went round the other side of the car, sat in the driver seat and began to drive down he street. She glanced over at Idina who looked like she was sleeping. There was no way Idina was going to be left alone again. Not if she could help it.

Kristn knew it was the right think to take her to the hospital, but she just couldnt, it would ruin Idinas career, and she couldnt do that. Plus, can you imagaine how angry Idina would be. No, he hospital could wait. Kristin glanced over at Idina sleeping again, she looked so peacful, so beautiful, who would someone like her, hate herself so much. To Kristin is just didnt make sence. Kristin was still driving, but she ketp thinking of seeing Idina sat there,in the shower with that bl-..

Nope, Kristins thinking stoped as a tears fell from her eyes, she was trying to cry so silently. But Idina glanced over and saw her crying. Idina took the blondes hand and gently rubbed her thumb over it. This let Kristin know that Idina was setling down. Idina still was a bit all over the place, and Kristin knew she had a long sleepless night ahead of them. And there was no chance either of them were going back to wicked yet. However long it took, Kristin was going to look after Idina.

Kristin rubbed Idinas hand back as they arived as Idinas appartment...




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