Just the beginning

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This gets pretty sad guys, im not very good at writing, sorry :( But if you gus like it then please comment whether i should continue writing or just stop. Writing belongs to me IG @alicialambert_oz  Twitter @Glitter_fly17.

Idina wandered up to her appartment, she felt so lonley and lost. She felt like there was no hope. She was just in a rubbish mood. She felt so guilty from making Kristin cry.

Idina opened the door which lead to her floor. She stroled along to her door, put the key into her door and opened it. She walked into the room then walked across into her bathroom, she forgot to close the front door. Idina took a long hard look at herslef. 

Oh look at you, your a disgusting thing arnt you. I dont even know why Kris likes you, shes just trying to make you feel better about yourself. Your letting your self hate show again. You learned how to control it with RENT so why cant you do it here. You cant let the public see you like this, can you imagine the things they would say???"

Idinas head was rushing, her mind was racing with a gazillion and one things. She hated herself, she hated what she saw in the mirrow. Her rage built up, she bagan pulling at her hair and hitting herself. She kept looking in the mirrow and she blew, she finaily screamed;


And with that she grabed her shoe and threw it at the mirrow. Idina lifted her hands up the cover her head as he glass shattered everywhere. Idina burst into tears, she was hunched over and the she collapsed into a emotinal wreck on the floor. She lay there with glass scattered all over the floor. She cried, she cried harder than she had ever cried before.

*Earlier on*

Kristin drove round looking for a place to park the car. She was still verry worried about Idina. She had been acting like this for a while. They used to be so close. They had date nights. They had picnics in quiet parts of Central Park. They had hot make out sessions at Wicked after shows. They always slept at eachothers house, and if one of them had a problem they would always talk to eachother about it. They were best friends and lovers. What had happened? 

Kristin walked up the stairs to get to Idinas floor, she opened the door and walked along the hallway. She walked slowley trying to think of what she was going to say to Idina. She got to just outsidde Idinas appartment the all of a sudden she hears an almightey crash. She wondered where the crash came from, untill she saw Idinas door was open.

She had never ran that fast before, Kristin didnt know what was going on! She ran into Idinas appartment and saw the bathroom door was open. She looked inside and saw Idina collapsed on the floor. Idina was a wreck, Kristin finally saw what Idina had been keeping inside of her all this time. Kristin saw all the glass scattered across the floor, she moved all the pieces she could away from Idina, and crawled towards her. Idina was still crying. 

"This sounds so painful for my Dee. Oh my gods what happened?" 

Kristin thought to herself. She looked passed that and crawled up next to Idina. She took a hold of Idina and pulled her up, so she was resting against her chest. 

"Thats it baby, let it all out"

Kristin was on the verge of tears, her voice was shaking hearing her loving girlfriend cry like this. She started to rock her back and forth ever so gently. Idina wasn't done with her crying yet, but she took comfort in Kristin and hugged her so tight, she just dug her face into Kristins chest so she could let it all out. For the first time in forever, Idina was being completly honnest. Little did anyone know, that this wasn't anything to compare with the events yet to come...

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