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Perfect they thought........ perfect, far from it.
You know, before you ever judge someone i'll give you some advise. You only see they're cover, you don't know what their content is. You get one view of a person and those people control that.
If you think some things are impossible what they think or do, you're wrong.
Everything is hideable. They say truth will come out sooner or later, sometimes later is too late.
You know that one perfect family in your town or region. The one everyone adores and looks up too. Well, my family was one of those family's.

Hi, I'm Millie,  I'm (what I would call) a typical teenager. I live in Hamington, a town in Pennsylvania.
I'm tall, blonde and I have green eyes. I have all the beauty standards and I still don't seem to fit in, at school, sports, basically everywhere.
I love to read books and write, I'm more of an introvert kind of person if you'd understand what I mean.
My family on the other hand is kind of the opposite of me. I'm like the black sheep of the family.
My brother John is tall, muscular,dark blond and is one of those people who has piercing blue eyes. He was the kind of person everyone in his grade has a crush on.
He is in the football team (who had that expected), he is cool and popular.
When I say popular, I mean really popular. Like, every single person on our school knew who he was and when new students came to our school he was the first thing they'd learn about.
I wasn't that kind of person. I was mainly known as "the sister of". Now I've got to say that didn't really matter to me. I would've loved to not been known by anyone at all, but unfortunately, the only reason people came to me and try to be friends was because of him. The only "friends" I had, wanted to come to my house at all times to try and flirt with him. He couldn't really help it but it annoyed the shit out of me.
Of course he also was my parents favorite (did anyone expect anything else though), every time we went out to someone else they'd brag about what he had done now. I was barely even there.
My dad barely got mad at him either. He did at me though. "Socialize more" "get some friends" "do better" "do something on you're own" "you're a failure" "I should've stopped having children after John" and that was barely something.
My dad was a succesful businessman and had a lot of money (if you'd ask me I think he didn't get everything fairly).
He looks a lot like my brother, or my brother looks like him. The same piercing blue eyes and brunette/blonde hair. He is a little shorter though, but still taller then me.
He loves fishing, football and guys night (as he calls it). He is a typical dad basically, but inside he is so much more.
His wife, my mother (if I could call her that) is a tall, pale lady-like woman.
She is the kind of mother who waits for her children to drink tea with her after school. But again, on the inside much more is going on.
She is a stay at home mom, which didn't do her much good in my opinion.
She looks a lot like me (people say), as she has green eyes and dirty blond hair. If you'd look at her the first time you'd think she was a gold digger.
Nothing seems too bad till now right. Well, you wait, and i'll tell you the rest of my story.

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