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'Love you' my mom said as she kissed my brother goodbye. 'Love you too, oh by the way I have practice this afternoon so I won't be home till 6' he said tying his laces.
I knew he hadn't got any football practice, he just went to smoke marijuana with his friends. I caught him once when I had to get some stuff for a lab and he was smoking in an empty science classroom.
That night he almost choked me as he threatened me that he would do anything to kill everything I had left if I told our parents.
'That's fine, as long as you don't drink or smoke' my mother answered him.
I studied his face as a pink blush emerged on his cheeks.
'Mom, I'm not some kind of jock' he mumbled to his feet.
'We-' I started before John stepped on my foot hard enough for me to hear a crack in my toe.
'Ouchh' I whimpered in pain as I grabbed my foot.
'Shut up you useless little kid, you're not worth anything anyways. No one wants to hear you overreact' my mom said as she adjusted her hair in the mirror. If you didn't realize already that she didn't care even a little bit about me you should know by now.
'Says who' I answered but as soon as I spoke out the words I knew I messed up.
'Excuse me!' She yelled at me.'excuse me, did you just talk back to me!'.
'No, no, I didn-' I was cut off by a hand colliding with my face.
'You won't do that again or you'll regret every single decision in your life' she yelled as I grabbed my cheek in pain.
She opened the door and pushed me outside in the snow while John laughing, walked outside.
'Are you okay?' John sarcastically asked.
'Shut up' I said as I grabbed my bag from the ground and started walking to the busstop on my own.
'Did you just talk back to me' I heard John scream back to me in my mother's voice.
'Fuck them, fuck my mom, fuck dad and especially fuck John' I mumbled to myself throbbing through the snow walking past all the snowmans the kids in the neighborhood made.
'That are some insults you're making right there Myer.' The voice made me jump and turn around.
It was Eddie. His real name was Edward but everyone called him Eddie.
He lived in my neighborhood and shared a few classes with me.
I have had a crush on him ever since 5th grade and he had basically been my only real friend in my whole entire life.
He was the kind of guy everyone liked as a friend. He was cute with his curly brown hair, light blue eyes, dimples and plump, pink lips. He was funny, talented and especially the kindest person I had ever met.
'Jeez, how did you get that red cheek?' He asked waking me from my thoughts. My cheeks turned even redder trying to make up an excuse.
I never knew why he wanted to be friends with me, he was very popular in our grade and loads of girls tried to flirt with him. However he still chose me to be his friend, which I won't complain about but it makes me doubt if it was actually because of me.
'Just some romping with my brother' I answered.
I wish I could tell him the truth about my bruises all over my body but if I did my parents would literally kill me.
They didn't give a shit about me but they had a reputation to hold high, else they would've abandoned me a long time ago.
'I wish I had a brother I could romp with, I only have little brothers who start crying every time I touch them.' He told staring at the steps in the snow.
'You've got me don't you' I said with a smirk on my face.
'No you-' I cut him off by tackling him onto the ground.
'You little bitch' he yelled as he took me on the ground with him.
I was lucky I had some old clothes on because everything was soked with snow.
'So you have chosen death' Eddie said in a low trying-to-be scary voice.
'I guess so' I chuckled.
'Well then, I have no other choice' he said as he started to tickle me.
'Hi hi hav- hi hi have ha-ha m-mer hi hi mercy'
'I warned you' he said with an evil smile.
'Hi-hi we ha ha ne-need hi hi to go to ha ha school'
'This time you will get away with it but don't expect me to stop next time' he said again with the low trying-to-be-scary voice.
He helped me up and patted me on my shoulder.
'Ouch' I whimpered, he had patted on the bruise I got yesterday when my dad hit my shoulder with a plank.
'What's wrong?' He asked with a frown on his face, but before I could answer he had pulled of my jacket to show the big bruise that reached from my neck to my shoulder.
'Goodness me, what the hell is that' he stared at my shoulder with big shocked eyes.
'It's my science test' I tried to joke around. 
'That's not funny Millie' he said with a frown on his face' how did you get that?'.
Even though I had expected the question, it still made me panic. How could I come up with an excuse for that one.
'Just cheerleading and stuff' I said as calm as possible.
'Just cheerleading and stuff! It looks like you got thrown of the mount everest!' He answered in disbelief.
'Yea overreacting is also a thing and we've got to be at the busstop in 3 minutes so we better hurry' I tried to comfort him.
'I'm just worried about you Mil' the nickname Mil made my heart jump every time he called me it.
'Yea you don't have to be, but we've gotta run now' I said changing the subject.
'If you say so' he said and I grabbed his hand and started to run towards the bus which was waiting for us now.

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