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The next morning I woke up in a daze. I looked around to find out I was laying in Eddie's attic. Next to me Eddie slept in his twin sized bed, little snores escaping his mouth. His hair was a big mess full of curls and his striped t-shirt was pulled up to show his belly button.
Giggling I went downstairs to see Peter, Harry, Louis and miss. Robert sitting at the breakfast table.
'Hi Millie!!' The twins yelled and ran to me. Picking them up I put them back in their chairs.
'Good morning Millie, want some breakfast?' Ms. Robert asked.
'No thanks, I'll head home and apologize to John.' I said smiling. 'Boys, eat up your crusts.' I teased the twins. With a disgusting face looking at their crusts they said their goodbyes to me.
'Bye and thanks for letting me stay' I smiled , but as soon as I closed the door behind me that smile faded.
Going home meant a lot. First of all the anger created yesterday probably hasn't all disappeared. Second of all it meant living in fear again.
Walking through the slowly melting snow I thought about how to handle it best.
I could try to act like yesterday didn't happen and I just skipped a day, but I was pretty sure my parents wouldn't play with me in this act.
My second option was to sprint to my room lock the door and be as quiet as possible, but I'd had to come out when the time comes so I was only digging a deeper hole for myself.
My last choice was to apologize but what was to apologize for.
Sighing I walked to the door of the house. From the other side I heard people screaming. Now it wouldn't be very unusual if I was there but I wasn't and even more disturbing I heard my brother screaming, who usually stayed put in everything.
I walked up the steps trying to listen the best I could to the noises in the house.
A bang.
'I just don't feel the love anymore George'
"Never felt that" I thought to myself.
Slowly I opened the door to see my dad holding a chair above my mom's head.
I couldn't help but scream 'DAD!!'
He didn't look up or even seemed to notice me.
In his eyes I saw an anger I never had seen in him before. There was a sort of red sparkle in his eyes that made him look psychopathic.
'I'm done with all your talking' he almost whispered making us all fall quiet.
'No' my mother whispered back.
But it was too late. With an immense power he threw the chair upon her head.
The blood was streaming. Everywhere. John screaming. Dad staring into the blood on the marble floor.
She was dead. I knew it.
I didn't feel anything. Anything at all. No pain, sorrow, no sadness.
It felt like a daze. Nothing but blood. I fell on to the ground. This meant the end.

I woke up with a pounding headache. I looked around to see I was in our small basement.
The walls grey. The floor grey.
It smelled like dust. A lot of dust.
Above me I heard footsteps.
'Dad you could also just tell them the truth, you will only be charged with third degree murder' a small, half sobbing voice said in a room above me.
I tried hard to remember what happened. Blood, mother, dead. It sudddenly all came back to me.
'Shut up before I'll put you in the basement too.' My dad hissed back at him.
'But father, I have all respect for your decisions. However your plan is a bit risky.' John said.
A silence broke out.
"Shit, I need to get out of here" I thought. My mind was spinning with thoughts. Fear, anger, disappointment, it overwhelmed me.
I stood up holding on tight to the small desk in the basement. Immediately my head started spinning. I fell to the ground again with a loud bang.
Quickly I started to lose my vision again. "No i need to stay awake" I determinedly mumbled to myself. I honestly didn't know for what I would stay awake but I did.
After a while of wrapping myself together I slowly tried to stand up again, now succeeding.
Quickly but soundless I walked to the bottom of the stairs. Avoiding all the cracks on the steps I walked up the stairs. I had been in the basement many times before and I didn't have the best memories of it.
I remembered how I once walked up these stairs the exact same way 3 years ago. I had been locked up here for 3 days without food and a little bit of water. I then sneaked out by John helping me.
I probably haven't told you that John and I had a great relationship once.
We did everything together and John always stood up for me when my parents treated us indifferently.
Those were good times.
After that we slowly drifted apart. John went to high school and I was only seen as the annoying little sister.
I reached the top of the stairs and I grabbed for the doorknob.
Shit, it was locked.
'What did I hear there' father spoke from the back of the door.
Panic started rising in my chest. There was a fucking murderer behind that door! My breathing started quickening and I started walking down the stairs again. Crack. Shit, and then I fell.
With a loud bang my body hit the ground.
I heard my father pathetically screaming behind the door.
I didn't care.
I just didn't care anymore.
All the pain.
All these years.
And now I was going to die.
I wasn't worth it.
Faintly I heard yelling in the background of my small sobs.
However, it wasn't dad.... it was John.
After what seemed like ages I heard a door slamming.
I finally looked up.
There John was standing.

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