Why are you back?

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I got showered and all dressed for bed, I was reminded of the dark shadow again... I didn't bother because I faced my mother and felt more confident. Before I went to bed I played on my ukulele and I turned because I thought I heard dad coming in before bed but it was that dark shadow, but this time it came closer and closer. I had my ukulele in a bat stance(Like a baseball bat) ready to swing. (ya badass) The shadow was right in front of me and I put my hand out to see if it was really or if I'm just seeing things. It grabbed my wrist and twisted me so I was pinned down on the bed. I tried to yell for help but couldn't, the wrinkle in my throat acted up and I couldn't scream. Alex came barging in and grabbed my ukulele and used it as a baseball bat and knocked the figure out. It broke sadly but I wanted see who the dark figure was and it was my mother...

 It broke sadly but I wanted see who the dark figure was and it was my mother

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(this is what the ukulele looks like^^)

"But... How?" I tried to answer his question but I couldn't speak.

"Cait don't try to force anything like the doctors said if it isn't treated right that it could get worse, I'm going to call 911 and get her... out of here."

I knew a bit of sign language so you spelt ok, I was a bit curious of my mother coming back so I searched her and I found the gun... 'Was she trying to kill me or dad... or both of us' I thought I we were done with her. I go the the station the next day and asked (don't worry your voice healed overnight) the officer about Ember Brightman, my mom, they said she was released a few days ago, I couldn't believe that my mother, my horrible abusive mother, was in the world again. I thanked the officer and left to go back home, I called Dante right away after the door closed behind me.

"Hey Cait whats up"

"Well it's about my mom..."

"What did she do to you"

"Nothing really, it's just... She's been released from jail"

"What?! But.. wasn't she caught from everything that happened"

"I guess not, but she broke in last night and she had the gun on her"

"We'll talk more just please be safe... I don't want to lose you again"

"Ok i will" I hang up and entered the apartment

"Dad I'm Home! So apparent- Dad!"

My dad was unconscious, I felt around for a pulse but it was slow. I kinda knew CPR but never tried it on anyone so this was a first. I called 911 and they helped me with the CPR process and dad finally woke up, I didn't need the ambulance at least, but any longer my dad could've been dead.

"Dad don't scare me like that..." I started crying as laid my head in my dad's lap.


The whole day I never left my dad's side because I was worried if anything was going to happen I would be there to help him. While getting ready for the matinee I wanted to play my ukulele to calm myself down after everything but I soon remember that it broke so I just sang along to some of the songs on my playlist. The show was going well but during intermission I felt a little but sick, as always Alex comes in the room to check up on me and he sees me in my mirror.

"Cait whats up?"

"Dad I don't feel good..."

"Can you try the 2nd act?"

"Maybe... I just think it's from knowing mom is out of jail and she could be back at any time."

"I know sweetie, it bothers me too but we are going to be safe. I can promise you that."

The second act goes well, after the matinee ends Dante comes by and gives me a long rectangular box.

"What's this?"

"Well we heard something broke of yours and we decided to get you a new one but this one is special." I opened it up and I see a School of Rock themed ukulele with everyone's name and some had special messages written on it.

"Aww you guys didn't have to do this," I get up to hug Dante and give him a kiss. "Thank you so much."

"Aren't you going to test it..."


"Go on and play a song!"

I started to play Cliche by mxmtoon, and Dante was looking at me the whole time, every now and then I would catch him swaying back and forth in the background I would giggle and he would always stop and ask what was I laughing at. When I was done with the song the two of us both went on your phones because what were you going to do. (make tik toks pfft your not Presley) It was getting late and Alex was still busy so I fell asleep on the couch in my dressing room, I didn't feel it at first but I had my head on Dante's shoulder the whole time, he also started to fall asleep but when Alex came in to get me and go home he saw us two and waited just a few more minutes.

Hey guys!! So the next chapters are going to be small.. Sorry about that but we are nearly done with the story!! I didn't think people would actually enjoy this as much as I did! Also they chapters are going to come fast since I already have this whole story planned out all I have to do is edit some parts and publish! Alright that's all I have to say for now, see ya guys in the next chapter!!

-Cait xxx

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