Hello again little bird

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Finishing evacuation: I ran back towards the fight. Knowing I couldn't fight was fine. As I got closer I noticed blue fire. Why does that seem so familiar to me. I flew up using my wings to see everything going on without a face full of smoke. I saw in the distance hawks fighting one of those things uhh...nomu. I'm pretty sure what he called em. He was way faster then it taking it down easily.

I know that fire isn't from that nomu it couldn't be right. it seems so familiar. Looking around trying to find a source my eyes locked with light blue ones. There was a guy in the ally. He was wearing all black so I couldn't make him out. A couple seconds after he saw me. He ran into the shadows.

After the fight water hero's came out and put out the flames. I went back to the evacuation center to help more realizing I would just get in the way of everything else. I knew well enough not to use my quirk to hurt people. But I did everything I could to help out in ways I could without using my quirk.

as I was putting a bandaid on one of the little kids when I felt a pat on my head.

"You did good tsubasa" hawks told me. He sounded warn out. He looked even worse. His shirt was ripped up his jeans were as well half his jacket is cut off. And his wings have going smaller. He had cuts everywhere.

"Hawks are you ok.?" I asked finishing up with the kid.

"I'm all good. Don't worry bout me kid" He smiled shrugging like it was no big deal. It was though he is a mess. " a lot of hero's have shown up so lets head home. I need to change my clothes and probably order new ones." I got up. Waving to the healing hero's and we were on our way back home.

"Should I cook.?"

"Not after last time lets just order out tonight I'm exhausted" he really did sound tired. I just nodded in agreement. I didn't even realize how much time had passed during everything.

After making it home we ordered some pizza and chicken wings. Then sat down to eat

"Keigo I saw some thing strange in one of the ally ways, while you and the other hero's were taking out the nomus" I told him. He might need this info. Mabye he knows who it is. he could be the one who started all this...

"Oh really what did you see. If you found a kitten we aren't keeping it." He joked.

"No I don't think so. It was someone with all black on I couldn't see their face very well all I could make out was the persons eyes. Light blue. The color seemed familiar to me but I cant figure out why. Do you think they could have started this all..?" I asked in between eating.

"Hmm maybe I'll have to look into it. We cant be certain what ever you saw was the cause of the attack.."he told me in thought.

"Ya maybe it was just a bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time." I seid eventually realizing how wrong I was in assuming that. How very wrong I was...

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