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It's been about 2 hours since I started this paperwork. I'm pretty much done.

"Almost done chicky" I assured the lil bird that has now decided to take refuge on top of my head in my hair. Totally disregarding the nest I made her.

"HAWKS" my door slammed open startling the lil chick in my hair.

"Yes..?" I asked not phased

"I..." the man at the door stopped in his track realizing the lil bird in my hair." pets in the agency without a permeant..."he told me sighing.

"Hey now I'm boss here and I want Tsubasa here"I seid. I just picked up the first name that came to mind.

"Peep peep peep" she was bouncing up and down whelp guess that's her name.

"Ok fine just get her a permeant.."

"A-ok. Also what did you need.?" I got back to the original topic.

"Oh yes of course. I was sent to tell you endeavor sent a request to meet him tomorrow for lunch."he told me in one breath.

"Np I'll be there" I shot finger guns giving my normal grin.

"Ok its at 12" and with that he left

"One more page chicky then we can pack it up and go home." I filed the last paper. Then collected my lil chick leaving my make shift nest behind. Walking out everyone still in my agency waved good bye. Then outside I took of for home with the lil chick in my hands.

Later that night

I brought the chick in my room before bed putting her in a nest on my bedside table I made the first night she came. I got rid of the cage she couldn't leave here anyway.

I tucked into bed and fell asleep.

-hour later-
"Mmm" I was slowly waking up due to my side being softly poked.

"H....h...ha.haw.ks" I shot up looking over to where the voice was there she was a girl probably about 20 years old, naked, with blue wings, and light purple hair, with round Pink eyes staring at me.

My first reaction throwing my blanket over the girl startling her. "Hello there, can I ask you who you are?" I asked the stranger. She gave me a hurt look. No it couldn't be.

"I..I'm Tsubasa remember..."she was having a hard time with words but I knew she wasn't lying. I had a feeling about this bird but I wasn't 100% on this possibility.

This is a girl with a bird quirk.

"Wow" she pointed to my wings. Her wings started to change to a dark orange. That is cool.

"Alright aright I know my wings are cool. Come on lets go get you some clothes huh?" I offered her putting my hand out so she could take it. Giving her my best smile.

"Ok" she took my hand immediately.

And so bird quirk.

hawks had a feeling but wasn't sure after a couple of days he lost the idea of this little bird being a human with a interesting quirk.

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