Draco Problems

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Authors Note: I'm so sorry for my terrible writing. Just wanted to advice you that I will be trying out new writing techniques so sorry if it changes up a bit. But the story will stay the same. (Btw it's July 23rd! Happy Birthday Daniel)

     (Y/n) woke up to her owl hooting on the window. "What is it Moon?" she said. (Y/n) got up and snatched the letter that Moon was holding in her beak. From your parents, (Y/n) read. (Y/n) opened up the envelope and started reading it quietly out loud.

   From Your Parents:

        (Y/n), we haven't heard from you for the last couple of months. We want to know what house you're in, your new friends, and what you have been up to. And hopefully none of your friends are Mudbloods. Please send us an owl back.

     It was still so early, so (y/n) decided that she would send an owl back first thing, the next night.

     "(Y/n)! Wake up!" Pansy half screamed, shaking (y/n) awake. (Y/n) woke up and pushed Pansy away. "Go away, let me sleep" she said. "Absolutely not" Pansy said, getting back up and dragging (y/n) out of bed. "You get changed right now! We have classes to attend!" She said. "Alright then" (y/n) said as she got up. (Y/n) decided she was going to wear a skirt, with her casual shoes, along with a plain white shirt. She then grabbed her brush and brushed out her [h/t](hair type)  and decided that she wasn't going to wear a headband this time. She sprayed on her favorite perfume and headed out the door, and headed to the Great Hall.

     Her and Pansy were one of the last ones there, they were quite late. She spotted Draco and smiled at him, but he just looked away in disgust. "What was that about?" (Y/n) asked Pansy. "Huh? What are you talking about?" Pansy answered back. Clearly she didn't notice Draco. The two girls walked over to Draco, and sat across from him. "Go away!" Draco said to (y/n). "Excuse me?" (Y/n) asked. She was shocked at his behavior. "I said go.a.way." Draco said. "What are you talking about Draco?" (Y/n) had asked quite sadly. "You filthy Blood Traitor" Draco said in disgust. This time making eye contact. "I can't believe you" (y/n) said on the edge of tears. She walked away quickly, with tears running down her face. "Hey!" Said two voices. (Y/n) ignored them and continued walking away, but before she could open the  door of the Great Hall, someone had grabbed her shoulder.

     "What do you want!" (Y/n) said. "Woah, feisty one she is" said a voice. (Y/n) looked up, embarssed of showing her tears but was annoyed at these two people trying to get attention. But then she noticed two identical faces, and realized they were the Weasley twins. "Hello! I'm Fred!" Said a boy. "And I'm George" said the other. "Nice to meet you, now goodbye" (y/n) said. "Wait!" Said Fred. "Why are you crying?" (Y/n) looked up at them, and said "He called me a blood traitor" The twins looked at eachother and realized that they were taking to an elite. "Who is 'he'?" They asked. "Malfoy!" She said. "Ahh yes, that Malfoy." Said George. "Look, not to be rude or anything, but that Malfoy Boy isn't worth your time." Fred said. "Yeah, nasty boy that Malfoy, quite a struggle as well" George said. There was a long pause. (Y/n) didn't want to answer to their responses, she didn't want to say anything rude about Draco. "Anyway" Fred said. Pulling (y/n)aside to sit her down at the nearest table."What's your name?"(y/n) was nervous to say her name, since she knew they would act differently to her once she said her family name. Even though the Weasleys already heard about her being an elite and becoming great friends with Malfoy.

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