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"All you have to do was just tell me who is spying on our activities here. That's it. With that you're free to go." JYP said as he sat infront of him on a chair.

"I don't know anyone from got6. What are you talking about?" He asked confused as hell.

"Well, I think you have some problem with your memory, how about we fix it for you? Matt? Bean?" He asked. Mark and Bambam started to walk towards him.

Jackson was surprised to see that, because whatever reason they are coming near him, it is not for good. He can tell that by the apologetic look they send towards him, that stirred something invisible in his stomach.

The moment thy stood infront of him Bambam opened his laptop revealing the pictures of every other person he met that day except them. He clearly understood what was going on there. So, they are got6 that JYP person talking about earlier, which means the people they are trying to find out is these two. Jackson felt dumb for not understanding everything earlier.

Now, he was confused for totally different reason as he has no idea of what to do now. He can point them out and he can be on his way as per JYP's promise. But, he knew he shouldn't believe the promise from the people in this line, especially he had a feeling that this JYP person just lying to him.

"You really don't know them?" The one refered as Matt asked. He could see the fear in their eyes as they were planning on what to do if he said the truth on their mind.

"No, I don't know them." He said still trembling about the outcome it is going to bring him. He saw a clear expression of relief on this Bean person. He didn't expect the slap from the other person, Matt. He held his hair in a tight grip.

"How come you don't know them? You met every one of them before." He said as they showed him pictures, when he met them by accident.

"I swear I don't know them personally or anything. It all were when I met them accidentally." He said.

"Do we look like that easy to you?" Mark said as he pulled his hair to make him look at him.

"Please trust me. What I am telling is the truth." He begged.

"It is enough Matt. I think he need another treatment." JYP said with that two bulky men stood infront of him replacing Mark and Bambam.

"You really don't know them, huh?" One of them asked. Even before he could answer he received a heavy punch on his gut, which made him double over because of the pain. Then they started to beat him up, more punches and kicks accompanied with the harsh slaps. He couldn't do anything to protect himself from that as his hands tied behind his back and the pole is not helping much. After what felt like an hour of beating he fell into unconsciousness.

"Lock him up in our basement. I have a feeling that he knew something." JYP ordered them before leaving the room with his right hand man, Victor.

Mark and Bambam felt bad for him as they saw one of the men dragged him out of the room. They really thought he just point them out. But they were relieved he helped them which cost a lot to him.

In got6 mansion Jb couldn't stood in one place as his mind got filled with the thoughts of Mark and Bambam get caught because of Jackson.

"Jb, can you sit down for a minute. You are making me go crazy." Jinyoung said as he turned to Jb.

"Y'all really think they are okay? How come you all are this calm? It is Mark and Bambam in danger." He asked in disbelieving tone.

"Hyung, you know they have emergency device, right? They will definitely notify us if something goes wrong. So calm down." Youngjae said as he still giving his attention to his laptop.

"What if they get caught and they didn't have time to access it??" He asked still worried.

"Hyung, you know about Mark hyung and Bambam right? If anyone can do it, it is them. So don't worry too much. I am more worried about that Jackson boy, he had no idea of what is going on, I have a feeling he is going to suffer a lot." Yugyeom said little worried about the events that happened earlier. He had a feeling that Jackson would never point out them.

"You really think that he knew about them?" Victor asked.

"Yeah, or else why would they try to save him when you kidnapped him and also get that boy on the photo with them." JYP said as he turned to leave.

When Mark and Bambam came to know about their plan to kidnap Han it was already too late. They dragged Han I there and locked him up in the same room with Jackson in the basement. They couldn't do anything about this as they had keep their identity safe to save both their mission and Han and Jackson.

Jackson woke up to the sound of someone crying, he sat up and everything that happened earlier came to him like a crashing train. He turned around to see Han there.

"Han?! Is that you?" He was shocked to see him there, poor boy.

"Hero, some people kidnapped me. I don't know how I came here. I- I was s- so scared. Yo- you were ly-lying there mo- motionless. I- I di- didn't know wh- what to do." He said now sniffling, he hugged Jackson. The place he was hugging was painful for him because of the beatings earlier but he avoided it as he now has a eight year old to take care of.

When the boy calmed down a bit he took time to see the room they were in still holding the boy. It was mostly filled with darkness as the only one light brightening the whole place. There were no windows nothing that they can try to escape by. The only thing in that room was a single blanket which is luckily not dirty. He pulled the blanket to cover both Han and him. That boy was shaking, it was certainly getting cold, the only thing they could do was to cover them by the blanket.

After sometime after some reassurance Han fell asleep in Jackson's hands. He had the boy on his lap, his head placed on his shoulder. They were in a complete silence with only the sound of their breathing.

After sometime he heard the door opening, he was scared as he didn't recovered from the previous beatings and now he had Han with him.

Guys, it is already fourth chapter, please tell me is it good or not. Thank you for all of your votes😄


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