'Chapter 5'

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Betty's Pov...

Today hasn't been the best between me and archie but what I saw in Jugheads hospital room made me so angry...there was a girl with brown and pink hair near jughead!

"Jughead!? Who is this bitch!?" I shouted slamming the door shut.  "Hi Betty this is Toni topaz, shes apart of the serpents" jughead smiled loving at me. "Hi betty who are you to Him?" She asked smiling at me but I could tell she didn't like me already.

"I'm his GIRLFRIEND" I tried to act as innocent as possible so I wouldn't upset jug. "Oh right...sorry for assuming anything..." she must like him! She sounded upset about me dating him. "So betty how are you and Archie?" "Dont even get me started! He Made me think his girlfriend was the only thing that mattered in this world when she isnt! Theres the actual world that matters!" I was really angry and got a small glass cup and threw it against the wall and ran out the room to find Archie.

Archie's pov~

Today was a good day because I finally got what I wanted! For betty to be put I her place..but she didn't seem to happy with me so the next thing she might so is go psycho on me agian

If you dont understand what I mean by that is betty has this.."Dark side" and if someone pisses her off like I did she gets really angry and dangerous..maybe that's why jughead likes her. So we might need to be careful around her. But I'm just going back to the hut I the woods at the moment making sure I dont see any Zombies around.

"Help! Someone please help me!" A mistry person was screaming so I ran to where it was coming from. "Archie!?" It was...JASON!? But hes dead! "Wait Jason! Arnt you suppose to me dead! " I shot the zombie off Jason and ran over to him...

If your confused I made a Thing in the story where The blossoms had a twin Of Jason and pretend to be Jason and he ended up getting shot so jason ran away and hes back now!😄back to story:

"No that's my twin brother that my parents kept away for some reason" wow that's weird but its good to see you." "Yeah where's polly and Cherly!?" "There at the school to hide lest go there now"

At the school....

Cheryl's Pov~

I was sitting in the school locker room with polly and the twins when I heard a fimilar voice, two actually. It sounded like Archie....and JASON!!

"Archie!?" I ran out to only be greeted with jason standing there..."please tell me I'm dreaming Archie! OMG JJ!" I ran straight towards Jason and basically Jumped on hin making us fall on the floor and I just cried then....polly came out with the twins Next to her, they were about 3 at the time.

"Jason..." polly said About to cry. "Polly omg your okay! And omg are those the twins!?" Yeah there getting big now..."

I was still shocked that my dear brother is alive but at least he's back and all is good...

To be continued...

Hope you enjoyed this and I'll be tagging people that put there names in the comments! Bye guys!💞

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