Wow, I just realized how pretentious that sounds. In all my other books I just leave it with "Intro" but here for some odd reason I went the whole way.
By the way, I must be crazy starting this book. I really should know better. I am the queen at not finishing things. I'm already trying to juggle the insanity of writing three books at the same time. Why am I doing this to myself?? 😩
Anyways, I was reading My Paranormal Experiences by Beautiful-lunatic and I keep thinking of the weirdness that's gone on in my own house and I figured it would be more respectful to Beautiful-lunatic if I wrote my own book rather than fill the comment sections with my numerous stories. One or two stories, not that big a deal. The amount I have, bit of a bigger issue.
Also, if you read the description, you will know that I do not believe paranormal stuff. Not really. Maybe it's because I've been raised as Christian, taught that ghosts are impossible. Maybe it's simply because my parents don't personally believe in that stuff. All I know is that this stuff is weird. It might be paranormal, but I don't know. I barely even understand what exactly "paranormal" is. You can make your own conclusions after reading.
I'll update as often as possible. Hopefully everyday.
I'll try to lay it out chronologically, but to be honest, I wasn't paying much attention to dates and times. Numbers and I don't get along. *laughs* I hate math. So, yeah. I'll try to keep it chronological. Also, some of these are things my family has experienced and I don't have any reference for when it occurred.
I hope you enjoy reading and go check out Beautiful-lunatic's story if you're into this stuff. They did an amazing job writing out their experiences.
Weird Stuff My Family's Experienced
Non-FictionSo, I don't believe in ghosts or anything, but there have been a number of things that have happened to me and my family that sometimes make me wonder. #5 in idontunderstand