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I finally met you Jennie Kim , I must say Pranpriya have a good taste at picking a kind of woman , she have this cat like eyes , inviting lips a small and petite body and a curve of a nice shape ass 

Okay I'm checking her out now, but honestly she is a define of perfection , as they talk outside i ask her to sit with me and we chatted for a moment and i was enjoying it as i knew more about her 

"So you're the one who's always pissing Jisoo off ?... yeah she is pretty hot tempered as well as me but i can control mine" she added and i chuckle softly 

"That was all on work ... i didn't mean to offend her or what , I'm just doing my work i guess she miss understood everything " i lied but my main goal is to always pissed her off  

"Oh so , you guys see a lot? " she ask and i nodded as i look back at them 

"Yeah most of the case i was handling is her case to so we gotten into a little harsh talk at the court room sometimes " 

"I can say you're way far from what she describe to me  ..... seems like you're nice and not that evil " she said and i laugh at her 

"Maybe , sometimes people fear about meeting me , you know murmurings goes on and you can't change their mind " i play cool and Rose' arrive back with Jisoo 

"Lisa let's go " she command and i look back at Jennie 

"well it was finally nice meeting you Jennie Kim ... I'll see you around " i wink at her and she smile at me 

well let's say i made a little flirt at her , just to lit up the atmosphere and don't include on her shitty night with Jisoo , Rose' and i left the Resto and i saw Jisoo sniffing as she entered the place , i didn't look at her and instead i pretend that i was busy at my phone 


"I thought you wanted revenge ... You seems like flirting at her Lisa" Rose' said as she laugh out loud at the car 

"Just being a little nice to her ... you know first impression " i said and she nodded as if she is teasing me 

"Okay ... let's pretend i didn't notice it " she said and we reach the law firm 

"Lisa can we talk .... it's kinda confidential if you don't wanted to talk about this it's fine i won't force you " she said and i turn at her as i open the door 

"It's fine ... let's go at my office , are you working late ?" i ask and she nodded 

"Yeah i am ... I have hiring tomorrow , 3 straight in a freaking day" she groan and i cheer her up 

"i will be there if i can ... cheer up it's a fun day " i tease her and we reach the 2nd floor where you can found a separate room , her office and my office 

 "Lisa ... i wanted to get this straight  , i've been thinking this for years but  i think it's time for me to ask this" she seems in deep thoughts as she sat at the couch across me 

I poured some vodka at my glass and a cube of ice , i sat across her and put down my drink . i can sense what she wanted to talk about , she wanted to know the truth and i trusted her . she deserve to know the truth from what happen at her best friend , her true best friend Pranpriya not Lalisa

"What is it? " i ask and i fix my hands at my knees 

"I know who you really are .... Lalisa Manoban , her sister" Rose' said slowly as she advert her looks at her hands , she lift her head to face me and she is teary 

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