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" So tell me, who is Jennie? ... Come on just like the old times we spent a few moments here to talk "he said and I turned at him 

I took a deep sigh and let it out before I turn again, I know he will ask me that even if I hide it 

"fucking hell frank? " I ask and he chuckles 

"Yeah well... You're gone for a long time, it's great if ewe catch up " he passes me the beer and I drank it up 

"I met her from my sister, You know my sister right? .... and yeah I took revenge but it has gone all wrong " I said and he nod

"I got it ... you fell for her after you made the mistake? ... Well that's hard buddy, You know sometimes we don't need to run away from the things that we did just for us to get away from the mistake that we did, but we should change what we've done, you know it doesn't make sense when you tried to hide and run that's just making the things worst " he said and he has a good point on it 

"You have point but I don't know i will be back i just need some break and some time to think" i said and he nodded 

"Let's go now , it's late and the kids are a little tipys too "he said and we stood up as i we motioned for them to hop in 



"Okay so be ready for the next day's plan .... you can now take a rest " the detective said and hell it's already 5 am in the morning when we finish , i never been this tired In my whole life 

we went at the room that was alotted at us and took a nap because i can felt my eyes are already closing , I will became the bait for tomorrow and i know she don't have time for not winning so she will pursue to win the race no matter how low or high the bid is 

The next morning i dress up and headed at the racing track where i can practice racing , the plan is i will having a race with Lisa but i need to disguise and hide my face with mask , the negotiation will be there and as they talk with it I'm there listing with them

The practice started and i have a good start using the car that our detective owned , it's just he love racing too well i never do racing but i can drive car in fast way .

Hell i need to win this or else I'll mess up the plan

"Go Jennie you can win this race tonight , and good luck " they said and i smile at them

" Oh God how i wish i can win " i groan as i took off the helmet

"Take a rest , the tournament will start in few hours you're good i can see you have potential ... Just stick with the track and follow what i told you" the detective said and i nod

We went back at the hotel to freshen up and change for tonight , it's still early but we need to be there before the sun goes down for the negotiation

My phone rang and it was teddy , it's morning in Korea and i bet it has to do with Lia

"Hey everything okay there? " I ask and Lia answered the phone

"Mommy it's Lia .... i miss you already , when are you guys going home, i ask uncle teddy to call you " she exclaimed and i automatically smiled from her voice 

It's just feel great that even if she is not my real daughter she made me feel like she is really is my daughter 

"Aww baby sorry if you miss mommy and momma already but I'm already working to be home early, Just wait for us and have fun with uncle and Auntie " i said and she chuckle 

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