15. Confused

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When Yoongi came home and brought me various treats and snacks I didn't know what to feel. I felt bad for ruining his time with Yuri... But at the same time a tinge of conceit hung in me.

What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be proud of myself for interrupting Yoongi's date. I shouldn't be happy that I'm getting his attention and Yuri isn't. What I'm feeling is wrong.

"Train to Busan or Parasite?" he said while flipping through the tv with the remote in hand

"Um... I don't know," My mind is too scrambled to choose what movie to watch

"Pfft, thanks for your help," he retorts

He closed his eyes and pressed the up and down button on the tv remote which flicked through the two movies,

"Hana... dul... ses!" he opens his eyes back up and the remote selected Train to Busan, "I guess that's our choice," he got up to grab a blanket from his bedroom and wrapped me up like a burrito in it, "Ready to watch?"

"Y-yeah," I say, my voice being muffled by the fluff of his very warm blanket.


Yoongi and I were curled up next to each other. I clenched his arms tightly in one hand and held onto our chip bowl in the other. The suspense of this damn movie kills me.

"AH AIGO AGIO RUN RUN RUN!" I slap his arm over and over as I intensely watch the Dad and his adorable little girl run from terrifying zombies.

"Ouch! I'm not a zombie, stop hitting me like one!" He elbows me lightly

"What if you were but you're just a really smart one who's not brain dead who's trying to trick me into thinking you're good but you aren't and you-"

"Jeez, remind me not to let you watch movies like this again you scaredy cat," he teased me and I pouted at him, "but... how did you know my secret?"

"What?" I scrunch my nose at him

"bRaInNnnSss~" he says and sticks both of his hands out, mimicking a zombie

"Aigoooo! Stoppp," I playfully smack his arm

"NooOoOo I wAnT yoUr bRaInSsSss!" He starts tickling me

"Ah! Y-Yoongi-ssi- AHAHA- Stopppp- AHHH!" I squeal under him has he gets on top of me and tickles my sides

"Brainnnnssss!" was all he said to me

"Yoongi- AHHAHHA-" he knew exactly where I was most ticklish at, "Stoppp oppaaaa!"

He stops and a red hue glows on his cheeks. Wait... Did I just

"Did you just call me oppa?"


"I-i- umm..." What the fuck do I say now.

"D-don't call me that... That's weird..." His whole face turns red

I started to become more aware of our position. He was on top of me and inches away from my face. His hands caressed my body softly. The living room was dark, the only light coming from the glowing tv. We layed still on the couch for a while looking straight into each other's eyes not knowing what to say or do.

𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞《𝕞𝕪𝕘 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣》✔Where stories live. Discover now