16. Argument

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I complain to Tae as he just stares at me, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT!" I cross my arms angrily and it feels like steam is coming out of my ears.

"Y/n... it's been two days since that happened. You still can't let it go?" Tae wrapped his arm around me

"No." I stare ahead, still pissed off, "Yoongi acts differently around me now... It's like he's avoiding me. He only talks to me when he needs his medication," I start to feel angry tears well up in my eyes

"It's probably for the better. You two have always been together since childhood. Maybe it's time you take a break and live your lives," Tae rubbed my arm to comfort me

"How can I? I need to make sure he's ok and healthy since his injury. I literally live in the same house as him!"

"Y/n, maybe you should go back home..."

"What?!" I stood up from sitting on the park bench that we've been at for nearly 3 hours of me complaining about Yuri and Yoongi, "You're being ridiculous. Who will take care of-"

"I know what to do to help Yoongi. We talked about it last night," Tae said and smiled at me to try and ease me. It didn't.

"You and Yoongi talked about this already?! So he wants me to leave too. So you are kicking me out." There's nothing that can calm me down now

"Yes we did. I think it would be best now that Yoongi and Yuri are officially dating that you leave. It's uncomfortable for Yuri knowing that you spend more time with him and that you live in the same house. I agree completely... I hate that when I leave for work you're alone with Yoongi. You two spend more time with each other than your own girlfriend and boyfriend. That's concerning for me and Yuri," Tae stood up too and held onto my shoulders like he usually does when he gets serious "and..." He continues looking a bit uncomfortable with what he's about to share with me

"I don't like how everything is about Yoongi for you. You always talk about him, you're always concerned about him, you're always busy because of him. It's always him... Why? Why him and not your own fucking boyfriend?!" He starts to raise his voice at me

"I can't believe this... We. Are. Friends. What's wrong with that?!" I push his hands away from my shoulders, "I'm leaving. I need time alone."

I storm off.


I've never been more furious with Tae. I didn't know what to do or where to go. Home? Where even is that...

I caught the bus and started traveling near the cafe. May as well go in. It's the only place I feel welcomed at this point.

"Y/N!!!" Hobi ran to me and hugged me just like always

"H-hi Hobi," I squirmed under his arms and finally escaped

"You ready for the party tomorrow???" He jumped up and down

"Sort of..." I looked down at my feet. I don't feel like going to that boring ass party. Yoongi, Yuri, and Tae will all be there. The people I despise at the moment.

"Wae? What's wrong?" Hobi lifted my chin and tears welled up in my eyes

"WAEEE?? Y/n-ahh don't cry! Tell me what's wrong," Hobi held me close to him and Jungkook ran over to my side as well to comfort me.

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