Chapter 3: What's New Pussycat? Part 2

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      A cool breeze sent the leaves into a rustling swaying. The dark woods were shrouded in darkness from the night sky. The trees' shadows towered over the ground below, created from the reflected sunlight bouncing off the clear moon above.

Interrupting nature's ambience was the sound of multiple footsteps, crunching leaves and imprinting their soles on the dirt. They moved like a pack of predators. Quiet enough to sneak by but loud enough to send a terrified shiver down a prey's spine.

A pack of wolves they were not but predators all the same. Their movements were fluid and near undetectable making them a blood-rushing group of Devils.

"This is ridiculous!" The voice belonging to that of a woman rang out, anger evident in her tone.

The scuffling came to an abrupt halt. Standing still was a woman, young in appearance. Her average build was wrapped in a red kimono with a tight black belt around her waist. Her bare shoulders were pale and open as her black hair stopped at chin length. Judging by her scowling expression and frustrated tone, her mood was foul.

She wasn't alone as multiple figures came to a stop around her. Shadows peeled away revealing the mixed forms of men and women. Whereas the men shared a muscular physique, the women shared a more feminine look but Devils shouldn't be judged on their looks alone. Even the frailest of Devils could snap a Human in half.

"We've been over this, Sakura. Remember. Patience is a virtue," A male with blonde tipped hair and an ear-piercing spoke up to his fellow Knight. "Things are different up here."

"Patience is a bitch!" She stomped her foot like a child throwing a tantrum. "Human's don't matter to me."

A smaller Devil with purple hair and a white shirt tucked into their back shorts rolled her eyes to the Devil next to her. Her opposite wore the same outfit but in reverse colour. The sisters shared the same look of annoyance, tired of the squabbling Sakura always wished to partake in.

"Perhaps not..." A sultry voice rang out.

The groups' attention was swiftly swept away from the two Knights and instead landed on another woman. Unlike the others in the group, her body was mature with large heavy breasts and strong curves to show for it. Her outfit was exposing as a corset sat on her stomach and reached up to the bottom of her boobs, leaving most of their surface area bare. A small stylish white cape sat on her left shoulder. Her right didn't share the same style and remained as it was. Black shorts connected to her corset but ended way before her knees. A skirt, the same colour as her cape, split off into two trails shaped like triangles behind her. Her red hair was as red as the blood that coursed through her veins and her deep brown eyes only added to the dark aura that surrounded her.

She swivelled her head in their direction. A staff rested in her grasp. Its material was a dark oak with jagged purple crystals sitting atop it jammed inside.

"Remember," She addressed the group of ten Devils amongst her. "We're here for one purpose only, not to start a war."

The male Knight, Thazrur, was the first to bow to his Queen. The rest followed suit, included the hotheaded Knight, Sakura. Queen Serena kept a straight face as she eyed her troops. Her composure was one of the many things that kept her groups trust in her secure.

Despite her calm-headed exterior, Serena was a boiling cauldron of anger on the inside. Her heart thumped in anticipation and her fingers tensed around her staff in rising fury. The SS-Class Stray Devil, the one who'd murdered her King, a member of the Royal Naberuis House, was in her sights. The infuriating Nekoshou who'd turned her back on them after they'd brought her and her sister into their fray were both here, in Kuoh.

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