1)Diagon Alley

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-Arabella's POV-

"Arabella! Anwen! Time to go to Diagon Alley!"

I immediately stopped my packing to go downstairs. I grabbed my broom and hopped on. I rode just above the spiral staircase down as fast as I could to the very bottom. My mum looked at me with a disapproving glance.

"You could've broken something, Bella."

"Wow, you care more about your expensive objects than your own daughter." I said sarcastically.

"You know that's not it. You are great, but also crazy on a broom. Great enough that you are almost immortal on that broom, but crazy enough to break something."

"Thanks for the compliment, Mum."

"Now, where's your sister? Anwen!"

"I'm coming, Mum!"

Seconds later, she came very quickly and gracefully down the railing, a book in her hands. "Anwen, for this trip, you might need to put the book down." Silence passed. "Anwen..." Mum said threateningly.

"Sorry, just finishing the chapter." But Mum didn't approve. She took the book from Annie, who looked up at her, disappointed. Annie adjusted her bag on her shoulder, and walked to the front door. I raced up next to her. "C'mon, let's go to the Leaky Cauldron!" I said, swinging open the front door. We only live around the block from the Leaky Cauldron, so we have always walked. Even in the rain.

I skipped ahead, with Annie a little ways behind. Mum was just barely leaving the house when I got to the Leaky Cauldron. After about a minute, Annie was there too. She looked into her bag and I took a sneak peek. "I'll tell Mum." I said after I saw three books inside.

"I won't pull them out," She insisted. She pleaded with me, her dark blue eyes in absolute terror.

"Fine." I hissed. She smiled, her dimples showing a bit. Mum caught up and led the way inside.

"Ariadne! Care for a drink?" The barman said.

"Not today." Mum responded. She led us to the back, where she opened the brick wall to Diagon Alley. I saw loads of witches and wizards buying things from everywhere. "Let's get a broom!" I turned to the broom store, looking at the new broom everybody else was eyeing. "Nope. You already have a broom."

"But Mum! It's not the newest one! I need the fastest broom to be the best!" I said, pointing at the Nimbus 1500. I have the Nimbus 1400.

"Let's go get your wands. It's a cool experience." Mum said. I groaned as Annie agreed with Mum. We walked to one of the dullest looking shops.

"Arabella, you go first." Mum ushered me inside.

I walked inside and saw an ancient man standing behind the desk. "Good morning." His silvery eyes stared into my soul. It was scary.

"Hello. Is this where you buy wands?" I asked.

"Yes. I remember when your parents bought their wands. Your father, Jack King, had a red oak wand with a core of troll whisker, rigid, 10 inches. Your mother had hazel wood, unicorn hair core, inflexible, 13 3/4 inches. Your seventeen year old brother had pinewood, dragon heartstring, 14 3/4 inches, pliable. Now, I shall go retrieve a wand for you."

He walked to the back and pulled out a wand. "Maple wood. Phoenix feather. 10 1/4 inches. Pliable." He handed it to me and I gave it a wave. I heard something break from my right. "Not that one." He muttered, swiftly taking it from my grasp. He handed me another, and another after that until I had been through about twenty wands. He handed me a pretty one that sent shivers down my spine. "Alder wood. Unicorn hair. 13 inches. Very flexible."

I gave it a wave. It just felt right and I saw yellow and brown sparks come out of the end of the wand. "Yes! That is exactly it!" He said to me. I gave him the seven galleons my mum told me to give him and left the shop.


-Anwen POV-

I saw as Bella came out of the shop with her wand. "Your turn." Mum patted me on the back and I walked into the shop. It was a bit dusty and old. A man stood, as if waiting for me. "Anwen King?"

"That's me." I said nervously.

"I remembered every wand that I've sold. I remember the ones I sold to your family." He said, his silver eyes unblinking. He looks like a very wise man. I thought.

"Let's get you started." He thought for a moment, then pulled out a slim box from the front. "Vine wood. Phoenix feather. 11 inches. Springy." He handed it to me. "Wave it a bit."

I waved it and sparks came out of the end.

"Yes! You are one of the very few-" He abruptly stopped when a wand shelf lit on fire.

"Aguamenti!" He yelled, putting it out. "Not that one!" He yanked it out of my hands.

He pulled out another after inspecting the slightly burnt part of the shelf. "Beechwood. White river monster spine. 14 inches. Swishy." He handed it to me. As soon as I touched it, my fingers tingled. Deep blue and silver sparks came out of my wand. Mr. Ollivander waited a moment to see if it burned anything. When he was assured that nothing was burnt, he said, "That is the one. Very special."

"If you don't mind me asking, how is my wand special?" I asked, inspecting my light coloured wand.

"Well, it is one of my only wands with a white river monster spine. One of the five in my shop. In Wandlore," he continued on, "white river monster spine core wands were given to the powerful and elegant."

"Okay. Thank you sir. And sorry about your bookshelf." I thanked him and apologised.

"I can fix it. You have a good day young lady."

"You too."

I walked out of the shop and showed Bella and Mum. "It has a white river monster spine core." I said.

Mum's eyebrows rose. "Never heard of that before."

"Now let's go to the broom shop!" Bella declared, walking in that direction. Mum grabbed the back of her shirt, pulling her back.

"No, we are going to Madam Malkin's to get your robes." She pointed to a bright shop. I linked arms with Bella as we skipped to the shop. We entered the shop.

"Hello dears. Hogwarts?"

"Yes." Mum answered.

"Just go to the back. I'll meet you lot there." We walked into the back, where there were three chairs. Bella hopped in one and I hopped into the one next to hers. Madam Malkin had two robes and fit them over our heads. She sewed our robes. "There. Finished."

"Thank you." Mum said, slipping galleons into her hand.

"You're welcome." She said as we left the shop.

We went to Flourish and Blotts to get books. It was heaven in there! I got as many books as I could and Mum reluctantly paid for them. We got parchment and quills, then moved on to a shop full of animals.

Mum spoke up when we got there, "You can get an owl, cat or toad."

I looked through the all of the animals and saw a light brown owl with green eyes. I picked up its cage and met Mum and Bella up at the front. Bella had picked an ugly, brown toad. "I'm naming him Filbert."

"If my owl's a boy, I'm naming him Gregory. If they're a girl, I'm naming her Emeralda." We walked up to buy them. My owl was a girl and Bella's nasty toad was a boy. Mum thanked the bored looking wizard who helped us buy our pets, then we left.

"Time to go home. Josh and your father will be at the mansion by the time we get there." Mum said.

Bella's face fell. "But I wanted a broom."

"I've already said no. Let's go."

On the short walk from the Leaky Cauldron, I thought about everything that could happen at Hogwarts. I would make friends and learn new spells. My first year at Hogwarts was going to be great.

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