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"What's so urgent that I needed to be pulled from my sleep at 6 in the morning on a Saturday for?" I yawn, taking a seat in a very comfortable dining chair across from my parents.

"Well good morning to you too, my son. Care to join us for breakfast?" Krolia points to the plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon placed in front of me by a maid who seemed rather done with her job.

Picking up the plate, I carefully place a piece of the perfectly fried meat into my mouth; eyeing down both of my parents who in turn watch my every move. Gulping, I pause to think over my words. "What's up? You're both looking at me as if I'll disappear on you at any second."

"Well we don't want you to choke when we tell you the good news." Krolia smiles brightly as I raise an eyebrow, looking at my stepfather who continues to look at me with a blank look; not sharing his emotions on the matter.

Putting the plate down, I clear my throat while signaling for my mother to continue as the beta claps her hand in excitement. "So?"

"My very good friends from college are in town and I've invited them to dinner to discuss our company. We've been talking about ways to merge our businesses, but before your birth; we promised that if you were an omega, you would be promised to their only alpha son who's just a few months younger than you. The dinner takes place tomorrow after school." She explains calmly.

"So you're telling me that I'm being forced to be mated against my will for your business? Mom, good joke. I'm awake now. What's the real reason you brought me down here so early?" I sit up, bacon in hand while leaning on the table.

"Keith, behave yourself. And we're serious. Maybe this alpha would bring some manners to you." Kolivan rolls his eyes, taking Krolia's hand into his own; having a glare down with me.

"You're telling me, the day before, about my engagement to an alpha I've never met and yet I'm the one lacking manners. How come I've never heard of these so called friends? Has it ever occurred to you that I'd probably want to marry someone on my own terms?" I spit, standing from my seat as Mom practically ignores my questions.

"Dinner takes place at 6. You are to entertain him as he is your guest. Not only are he and his parents coming, his grandparents are as well. So dress to impress, it's been years since they've last seen you. We'll discuss details of your wedding at dinner."


"Can you believe her?!" I shout as I punch my pillow, Skype opened as my best friend listens to me rant. "She wants me to fucking marry some rando alpha like it's fine. She practically exchanged me for money! I'm human, not an object!"

The light brown haired beta tinkers with a small computer mouse as she hums, snapping a few pieces together as she responds. "I mean Keith, kids our age are hooking up already. Meanwhile, you're still single. Plus it doesn't help that you're rich as hell dude. You owe me like 20 bucks."

"Fuck you, this isn't about money. What if this alpha takes advantage of me? I don't want to be defiled in my sleep by some pervert. What if he kills me off because he knows that I'm the heir? Pidge, you're in charge of my funeral. I'll get started writing my will." I pause at punching my pillows, getting up to look for a pen and paper to scribble down on as she chuckles; finishing her little drone mouse.

"Relax, I highly doubt they'd ship you off to be with some psychopath. But I should probably tell you about the new kid were getting tomorrow." She nonchalantly brings up as I perk up, tilting my head in confusion.

"New kid? Did you hack into the school's data system again?" I deadpan as she snickers, waving me off as she sets the mouse on the ground before smirking at me through the camera.

"Do you want the information or what? He might be your future hubby~?" She clicks her tongue as I glare at her. "Is that a yes or no? Because I can let you rant about this dinner that didn't happen yet."

"Hm... Just tell me a little. Not the name, just the background and age. Leave some mystery or else it'll be a very boring night." I huff, taking a seat on my bed as I grab my large hippo plush as I look at her through the screen while she taps on her jailbroken tablet; scrolling.

"Well, he's definitely an elite; probably more so than you. He's 17, born in July. He's Cuban, speaks most languages and a few African dialects. He's a prince." She hums in amusement as I raise an eyebrow at her use of the word.

"Prince? Like royalty? How so?" I quickly question as she continues scrolling before reading off, intrigued.

"Apparently his grandparent's are both royal Cuban descendants. He's a model for like several different clothing brands and plays guitar to children in third world countries. His grades are average though, not surprised. He has a huge family... his aunts, cousins, uncles and grandparents all moved from their home in Europe to here to support him in any way possible. The dedication... I think it's for the money." Pidge mumbles to herself as I zone off.

Just who the hell is this guy...?


"Mistress Kogane, your guest have arrived." A maid enters my room as I brush my raven locks, already dressed in a white and gold button up and black slacks. "Are you... are you sure you want to wear that, Mistress?"

"Didn't I tell you all to just call me Keith like before? Just because I'm 18, doesn't mean that you need to be formal. I'm still the little kid that played tag with you when your mother brought you in." I sigh as she blushes, looking down. "And yes, why? Is it bad?"

"Not at all. You look stunning, Mistress. It's such a shame that you have to leave us." She shakes her head, walking over as she places her hand on both on his shoulders; leaning down to whisper into his ear, both looking at each other in the mirror. "I think you'd be pleased with who your parents chose. He isn't bad looking at all."

I roll my eyes, standing up as I dust my outfit down; smoothing it down as the beta maid snickers. "Shut up, Morgan. Anyways, I guess I'm going down. Escort me?"

"Of course, Keith."

After a few seconds walking down the hallways and down the stairs, the doors to the more elegant dining room is opened by some butlers as Morgan announces my arrival for dinner. Scanning the room, my eyes lock with blue orbs that stare into my soul; as if searching for all my hidden secrets.

"Oh Akira, my sweet precious baby. Glad that you aren't late. Please, take a seat." She gestures to the chair next to her as I sigh, taking a seat calmly as I set a napkin on my lap; basic etiquette and all that jazz.

"Yes, good to see you again. You've grown into such a beautiful omega. Your parents must be so proud." The woman speaks, smiling softly at me; surprisingly calming me down as she gestures towards her son who stares at me. "This is your fiance, Lady Akira Ike Kibo Kogane. My son, Prince Alejandro Charles Serrano McClain."

"Pleasure." He offers a hand out of curtsy as I place it in his for him to kiss the back of it.

"Likewise, Alejandro." I hum as I glance at my mom as she genuinely smiles at my manners.

"We're engaged, you may call me Lance. Think of it as a family thing." He winks as he gently lets go of my hand as I flush at how soft his voice is while speaking to me.

"Alright, Lance. You may call me Keith in that case."

"Now that formalities are done with, let's get to business."


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