Chapter 1

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Author's Note
I have been thinking about this story for months but only started writing it a few weeks ago. I hope that you all enjoy it and all criticism (good and bad) are welcomed. Thanks! 🥰   

   11:48 AM, only twelve minutes left to finish my psychology final. I had answered every question ten minute ago but I couldn't turn it in without looking over my answers one more time. I needed to ace this final and I'd be damned if I got a lower grade because of a small mistake. I checked the last few questions over one more time and got up from my seat, turning it in and I said a silent prayer that I would pass.
   Walking out of the glass doors that led to the west campus of my community college I felt so proud of myself, I never took school seriously and I struggled when I started here but I was almost finished and soon I would have my associates in Early Childhood Education. It may not be much but it would be enough for me to get away from Javier; it had to be enough because there was no way I could stay with him much longer. In the past he was so good to me but I can't focus on what he used to be, now he was nothing but an asshole. Constantly throwing it in my face that he's taking care of me, I never asked him to! He made me quit my job at the mall, he made me think he would take care of everything while I went to school but soon after I moved in with him and left my job and my family he did a full 180. I can't even dress how I want to without him degrading me. I can't have friends because he doesn't like me going out without him, I'm only allowed to go to school and come straight home and he'll check the miles on my car just to make sure. The man had become controlling and abusive but I had a plan to get out of there as soon as I could.
   I pulled into the apartment complex jumping out of my beat up 96 Honda Accord and ran up the two flights of stairs. Javier knew I had my final this morning but insisted on coming home for lunch and I knew there would be an argument if I didn't have food ready for him when he got here.
   I checked the clock and it read 12:15, I still had 45 minute before he got home and that's plenty of time for me to fix something. I took out the raw chicken I left sitting in the kitchen sink early this morning, luckily for me it was mostly thawed out and a little hot water helped finish the process. I fried the chicken and made some instant mashed potatoes plating it and setting it at our small dining table only seconds before Javier stepped in the door. He examined me up and down before stepping closer.I instantly wanted to withdraw and move away but knowing how upset that makes him, I stood my ground and waited for whatever mood he was in today to come to the surface.
   Although he was only 5'7 he hovered over my smaller 5 ft body, as he leaned closer to me I saw his emotions written all over him, he was always easy to read and I silently thanked God that he seemed to be in a good mood. Grabbing my face in one hand he harshly kissed my lips. Not waiting for my approval, he pushed his tongue into my mouth as I felt his calloused hands grab my ass. I prayed he wouldn't fuck me right now, sex used to be something I wanted but now it felt forced and I didn't enjoy any of it, all that mattered was that Javier got his pleasure. I thanked God again when he pulled away from me walking to the table, "get me a beer", were the only words he said. I wanted to say that was a terrible idea because he needed to be back at work by 2:30pm but I didn't dare argue with him. After all I needed him to agree to let me go to a few job interviews I had lined up for the upcoming weeks. Now that I was done with school I needed a job but more importantly I needed the funds to finance my escape from this hell hole.
   I placed the cold beer in front of him and putting on my best smile I stroked his soft jet black hair, "is there anything else you want baby"? He brushed my hands away from him and shooed me away as if I were a fly bothering him. I knew I could piss him off if I pushed further but I needed to be at my first set of interviews Monday morning and I had to try.   
    "How was work"? "Fine", was all I could get out of him, but that was good enough for me, it's not like I cared. "Baby, I'm sure I passed all my finals and that means I'll be graduating soon. You remember you said that I could start working again once I finished school and well, I have an interview next week and I was hoping you would let me go". He stopped eating but he never looked up from his plate, "no" was all he bothered to say. "But why?" I asked slightly annoyed. He glanced up at me for a second, a warning look in his eyes, "because I said no. Nobody's gonna hire you anyway so drop it". His voice was calm but I knew his temper lay just under the surface, I tried to appeal to him, "but baby" I cooed, softening my voice, "I've been looking at some daycares and nannying jobs online, they pay really good and most of them wouldn't need me everyday. I can work part time and I promise I'll still keep the house clean and I'll cook all your favorites. We agreed after I got my degree I would look for another job and-" before I could finish my sentence Javier slammed his fist against the table and his eyes peered into mine with nothing but rage behind them. "What the fuck you need a job for? Don't I take good care of you"! I knew I had to calm him down before this got ugly, Javier has hit me multiple times but only in serious arguments; I was praying that this didn't become one of them. I got up from my chair and walked closer to him pressing my body against his, my triple D size breast mashed into his hard chest, "You take great care of me baby and thank you for everything you do for me", I leaned in kissing his neck softly, I knew exactly were he liked to be kissed. "I just thought it would be nice to put my degree to good use, I can get some experience working and it will help us save money for our future little one".
   Javier and I both wanted a child and once I left my parents to move in with him he wanted us to try right away. I begged him to wait until after I graduated and he agreed but still he often 'forgot' or 'ran out' of condoms. I wasn't stupid I knew he was doing it on purpose and I got on birth control shots and somehow managed to keep it a secret from him for the two years we've lived together. "I'll think about it", that was all I needed to hear! I bounced on his lap like a giddy kid and kissed his lips "thank you baby!". He pushed me off his lap and finished his beer in one gulp, "I need to get back to work, clean this up and make sure you cook by the time I get back". Javier could be so cold but all I needed was for him to agree with me this one time.
   I cleaned up lunch and pulled steak out of the freezer that I would cook later for dinner. It was a Friday and I knew Javier would go out drinking with his friends after work and not get home until late so I had plenty of time to relax and get ready. I was more than determined that I would get away from this situation no matter what I had to do and by next week I wanted to be out of here.
(Above image is what I picture Ara looking like)



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