Chapter 4

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I checked my rear view mirror and saw Zahir sleeping peacefully. I smiled to myself thinking of our day, he played for over an hour before finally eating his food, then I took him to buy some new summer clothes. It was getting hot quickly and June was almost here, I just wasn't sure what I was going to do with him. I didn't trust the big daycare centers and there was no way I was leaving him alone with Heather any more after the things she had done and said these last few weeks.  The good natured woman  I thought that I married had become cynical bitch who I no longer wanted to raise my child or future children with.
   I pulled into the driveway of my home noticing that the lawn care team had done their job and was long gone but the pool cleaners truck and equipment were still here. How long does it take to clean a fucking pool? Quietly shutting the door so that I wouldn't wake Zahir, I took him out of his car seat carrying him with my right arm and grabbed all of the bags with my left hand. I don't know why I parked in the driveway and not in the garage but it gave me just enough time to see the pool boy run from my side entry door, fumbling with his zipper as he made his way out. I could see my wife's long blonde hair as she stood partially in the doorway, giggling and blowing him kisses as he ran to his truck gathering his equipment. She was in her silk robe and from what I could tell there was nothing else under it. If this were two years ago I think I would have cried seeing the woman I loved blatantly flaunt her affairs. By this point I was used to Heather cheating on me and ruining her life, but I couldn't let her do the same to my mine, and definitely not to my son's. 
   I walked into the house not bothering to speak to Heather or even see her. I carried my son up to his room, placing him in his bed. It was a little too early for him to fall asleep so I knew he would be up at the crack of dawn wanting to play again, but I was tired myself and I had a lot to think about. I pulled off his shoes, tucked him in, and kissed his forehead. This will be an early night for the both of us, I thought to myself as I made my way down the hall to my room. 
   Heather and I haven't shared the same bed for the last few months and it was better this way; I didn't want to be around her. I thought I would take a shower and crawl in bed early, until I heard the handle of my bedroom door click open. I rolled my eyes chastising myself for not locking it. "Why the hell did you take that little brat out of daycare?" She gritted through her teeth. I hated when she called Zahir names and I was in no mood for it tonight, I crossed the distance between us in three wide steps and ended up inches away from her. Leaning down to her smaller frame I looked into her eyes and saw nothing but coldness behind them. "What the fuck did I tell you about calling my child out of his name"?
Heather just sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes at me "So are you gonna hit me?", she questioned; that's what she was waiting on. She wanted a reason to call the police, any reason at all really just to embarrass me and cause a scene. I backed off of her slightly trying to control my temper. She rolled her eyes again turning her back to me while making her way towards the door, "he is a spoiled little brat thanks to you" she whispered under her breath. I ignored her comment and walked over to the small closet taking off my shoes and suit jacket to hang up.She stopped before walking out of the door, turning her head towards me she said "I hope you don't think I'm watching him! I have things to do you know!"; "Like what! Fuck the pool boy and get high?". I kept my voice as leveled as I possibly could while confronting her. I wanted to scream at her, meeting her level of anger but I couldn't wake my son, he didn't need to hear that. She just rolled her eyes not caring that I knew about her little escapades, it's not like this was the first. "What do you plan to do with him?", she questioned, her voice slightly softened. "I don't know yet, I'm off all weekend and I'll think of something before I have to go back to work but believe me I'd never leave him with you again". She didn't respond as she made her way out of my room slamming the door behind her. All she wanted to know was that she wasn't going to be responsible for keeping Zahir.
   I glanced over to my bedside table checking the video baby monitor that sat there. Our little quarrel hadn't woken Zahir and I was thankful for that. I striped off the rest of my clothes and climbed into the shower, the hot water cascaded down my tense muscles and I slowly began to feel relief. I had to think of something quick but what was I supposed to do? I was up for a big promotion and needed to put in extra hours at work but I couldn't throw my son into just any child care center and I wasn't sure I trusted a babysitter. I knew I may be acting over protective but he deserved the best, he's already been through so much. I decided I would think of something later, for now I had a big Saturday planned for us. Zahir loved sports and I was going to take him to the batting cages tomorrow. I would make sure that he enjoyed his weekend and by Monday I would have a solid plan for his weekly care.

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