Chapter 8

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  It was only noon but I was already dead tired. I've been working from home trying my best to keep up with my workload and find proper care for Zahir but that wasn't going as I expected. Every daycare I called seemed to lack the correct environment that I was looking for, and every nanny agency I called had a waiting list of a few weeks or more before they could send someone to me to be interviewed. I loved my son dearly but he was a handful, always screaming, running, and basically all over the place. He is a non stop ball of energy who can take a lot of time and attention. I know that there's no way I can keep up the task of working and looking after him full time so I have to find a solution quickly.
   I just put Zahir down for his nap and went back to my office, for the first time in weeks my emails weren't full of questions and concerns from colleagues and clients. I'd been busting my ass for the law firm of "Swank and Standston" as a criminal defense attorney and they had all but assured me that a promotion would be coming my way soon. The amount of assignments I had was finally slowing down as I had worked on multiple cases all at once trying my best to prove myself to my employers. These were high profile cases involving multiple high ranking gang officials, each one was guilty with enough evidence that should have them locked away but with a small amount of bribery and threatening on my clients part we were able to get all involved members acquitted. This was a dangerous business but by winning all my cases I made friends in both high and low places. I knew my family and I would be protected as long as I kept my clients out of jail. My employers were scheduled to soon be opening a new firm in Florida and they would need to hire someone as President of the new location. I needed that promotion, once I had it I would get rid of Heather, then Zahir and I would be living a life of luxury. I would no longer have to work within the life of criminal activity and my workload would greatly decrease while my salary would almost triple. The president got to take most of the profits from clients while doing nothing more than assigning cases and attending meetings only to sit at the head of the meeting table to bark orders. I have always envied the power and prestige that accompanied the position as Firm President and after sixteen years of hard work that position was rightfully mine.
   Right now Heather and I both took care of the household, although she never worked a day in her life. She was a trust fund baby, once her wealthy parents died she inherited everything as their only child, a total sum of forty seven million dollars. If Heather had full access to it, with her spending habits, she would have blown through all of that by now. Luckily it was arranged so that after taxes she would only receive one million dollars a year. When we married Heather agreed to let me manage the money and when we got her allowance we immediately paid off the mortgage amount for the entire year which equaled a total of $60,000 while my income paid for the remaining utilities every month. That takes off a big portion of the bills and helps us throughout the year. Unfortunately Heather uses the rest of her inheritance to fund her serious drug and shopping habits and is usually broke by October. This year it was my goal that we would be separated by that point and she could go homeless for all I cared. But I was a reasonable man, I would leave her this house and only take mine and Zahir's things. Unfortunately with Heather's terrible money management skills I doubt that she would be able to keep the property for long and eventually her habits would be her undoing. I couldn't say that I would feel bad for her, after all the turmoil she put our marriage through and the blatant disrespect she showed toward Zahir I believed that she deserved everything that she would get.
   I was looking forward to the future and with everything seeming to fall into place I thought it was a great time to take a little break. Heather was in the newly renovated pool house doing God knows what; probably making a love nest that she could use to fuck the pool boy because I could think of no other reason she would be willing to pay for the renovation. I didn't care, she could do whatever it was that she wanted as long as she left my son and I out of it. Zahir was asleep in his room so I decided I may as well take a nap too. As I walked toward my room I passed a hallway window which allowed me to see in the direction of the pool house. Heather was standing outside waving to someone in an older model Honda as they drove through the side driveway towards the pool house. I didn't bother to watch who it was, thinking that it was either her drug dealer or some new man that she was fucking. She could do what she wanted, our marriage vows meant nothing to her any more and she had proved that to me, I knew the end of our relationship was inevitable. I walked away from the window stopping by Zahir's room to check on him, he was sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to disturb him. I closed the door softly and made my way to my own room. I got into bed and soon fell into a deep sleep, the stress of these last few months had finally caught up to me and within minutes I was in a deep sleep.

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