chapter 1

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The train was arriving at Nome. Cherry was sitting, curled up with a good book while her daughter Felicity was lying against her stomach with the bump in place for her pregnancy still to come, and she was traveling with old friends, Atticus and Monique, but Mo for short.

Along with Atticus's and Mo's two children, Akito and Estelle. Felicity nuzzled against her mother. Cherry decided to let her arm out and wrap it against her daughter while she read. Estelle did the same with her mother. Mo wrapped her arm around Estelle.

"Too bad Scamp and Angel couldn't come with us, too cold even if they got all that fur." Cherry said as she emotionlessly turned another page.

Felicity was seen to be shivering slightly as they came closer and closer to Nome.

"Well, I'm guessing their fur isn't use to the cold of Nome, Alaska." Atticus said.

Felicity cuddled closer, feeling the gentle taps inside her mother's stomach. "It is colder than Papa's room here, Maman..."

"We'll be okay, cherie... Just keep your jacket on you unless we go inside with a fireplace." Cherry said to her daughter.

Felicity was wearing Cherry's old jacket she was known for wearing, when Cherry eventually got too big to wear it all the time, she gave it to Felicity to wear to keep her warm since she only wore a golden dress and black boots. Akito and Estelle were wearing warm clothes.

Cherry bookmarked her book as she saw that they were getting closer to the train station to drop them off with a plethora of the other passengers inside. "Wake up, Fliss, we're here..." she gently stroked her daughter awake.

Felicity snorted, then sat up in the seat, rubbing her eyes and then yawned after a nice rest to make the trip go by faster. "I had a dream about wolves being in this Iditarod race..."

"So did I." Akito and Estelle said.

"Oh, there aren't wolves in the races," Mo giggled. "Only sled dogs, like Siberian Huskies."

"No one else, just those dogs, no wolves, no Dalmatians, no mutts, no cocker spaniels..." Cherry said as she placed her book away for now until the train would stop and they were about to meet a family they were to stay with during their visit in Nome.

Felicity looked up to her mother, then back at her 'aunt, uncle, and cousins'. "You think maybe one day it will change?" she asked the twins.

"Yeah." Atticus said.

Felicity took a look outside the window. "It is so foggy and white! Is Alaska like this all ze time?"

"Yes, dear, it's very cold, your father and I had a romantic weekend here once before you were born." Cherry stated as they looked out to see the cold climate that is Nome, Alaska.

"Aw! How romantic." Estelle said.

"Yes... It was a bit too cold for our tastes, but Maestro and I managed to keep ourselves warm at night." Cherry smirked a little.

"Maman, there is a couple waving at us!" Felicity called. "And they have their own little girl, she has rogue hair and a chein of her very own!"

"A what?" Estelle asked Felicity.

"She means a dog," Cherry said for her 'niece'. "Felicity's English is a little rusty, Akito and Estelle. She was raised by her father for seven years before I came back to see them."

Felicity smiled back. "Estelle, look, it is so pretty!" she pointed to the girl's dog who had reddish fur and looked very friendly.

"Yeah, she is pretty." Estelle said.

Cherry and Atticus Meet BaltoWhere stories live. Discover now