chapter 4

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Balto was watching as the dogs and musher were off to their expedition. He felt a lot of pain tonight and just wished he had never been born sometimes or even met the people of this cruel and heartless town.

"Hey, Balto." Akito said.

"Hey, guys..." Balto greeted drearily.

"So good to see you!" Felicity beamed, having a smile on her face, then frowned since Balto was upset. "Oh, what is wrong?"

"He's still upset about what that musher said about him." Akito explained.

"He is nothing but a tyran!" Felicity shook her fist, nearly resembling her father with her anger.

"A tyran?" Balto sounded scared. "First a bully musher and now a tyran? What's next? The end of the world as we know it."

"A tyran just means bully in Francias, Monsieur Balto." Felicity explained since her mother wasn't there to translate her broken French and English dialect.

"Ohh." Balto said.

"Never mind that, you have to prove to everyone you are the worthy dog for the race and not that mean old Alcier." Felicity tried to give Balto some pep talk.

"Yeah." Akito said.

"I can't, you guys, you heard what they said about me..." Balto walked off, turning his back at them, feeling very miserable.

"Who cares what they said about you?" Akito asked, not caring about the rest of what Nome thought of Balto.

"They've been doing it to me for years, it's longer for me than you humans," Balto sighed. "That stuff kinda sticks with ya... I don't know what to do, besides, Steele will save the day and everyone will love him like they always do."

"I'm sure that one day, they'll all love you." Akito said.

"I don't know..." Balto sighed in pain as it started to snow. "Have you guys seen Estelle and Rosy lately?"

"Not since they were admitted." Felicity shook her head.

"They're still in the hospital, I'm going there now to check up on them." Akito said.

"I'll come with you," Balto said in concern. "I heard the other dogs talking... They can't get the medicine in time even, the children are done for..."

Felicity put her hands in her large pockets to get more warm as the snowflakes were coming.

And so they all made their way to the girls. Dogs were only allowed outside, so Akito and Felicity were with Balto as Estelle and Rosy were lying in the bed, very, very sick. Mr. Johansson had been making coffins lately due to the spread and tragic news of what was happening.

"Please, doctor, it's the only medicine we got..." William told the doctor as he came in with Jenna.

Jenna was put on the floor and the doctor made an exception to let the dog come in and meet the ill girls.

"Alright." The doctor said.

Sandra allowed Jenna to go to the sick girls. Jenna walked up slowly to see Rosy and Estelle and she licked her girl's face.

"Jenna..." Rosy greeted weakly with a smile, but then she passed right out in the bed.

Akito looked very worried for both Estelle and Rosy and so did Felicity and Balto. Jenna lay her head down against Rosy as the girl was slowly breathing and possibly sleeping. Balto couldn't watch anymore, he left with the others, and there was some banging heard which got their attention.

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