chapter 7

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In the hospital, the children were deathly pale. William looked like he was about to give up on his daughter's life, Sandra was devastated, Jenna was by Rosy's bed for support, Felicity had buried her face in her mother's stomach while the woman held her.

"I'm sorry, guys..." Cherry said to the married with children couples as she stroked Felicity's hair. She then felt something twinge inside her body and her eyes grew wide a moment, then they were closed half-way and she had a small smile, which set an eerie mood for the grieving parents.

And where now was not the time for any other news, only if the seld team made it back with the medicine. Sandra took a drink from the nurse and they both shared grave expressions.

"Maman...?" Felicity looked up to her mother, seeing the smile.

Cherry put a finger to her mouth to shush her daughter. "I'll tell you later..." She said, still smiling a little eerily.

Muk, Luk, and Boris were in Balto's boat, trying to keep each other warm. They were all depressed, not knowing if Balto and Akito were going to make it back. Luk wrapped a blanket around the three of them as they all started to sniffle and cry.

However, Boris heard a sound that was very distinct and familiar, a wolf's howl. "Balto..." he whispered, then looked to see Balto was indeed coming with the other dogs and Akito. "BALTO'S BACK!"

Balto saw the lights. "Jenna..." he whispered, then grew faster as they came to Nome at last.

"Balto, howl to Jenna!" Akito called out.

Balto hopped and let out another howl. Jenna got up from Rosy's bed and let out a happy bark. William and Sandra were instantly happy again. Everyone else woke up and turned on their lights.

This all happened while Steele was telling all the dogs his made-up story. Steele was eating up all the attention as he was given a bone. However, the wolf howl was heard again.

"It's Balto and Akito... With the medicine!" Doc told the other dogs.

Steele looked nervous then.

Dixie had a sweet smile at first. "Steele, you are positively dis-POSABLE!" she slapped his muzzle, knocking the bone out of his mouth and she left with the other dogs, no longer having respect for Steele.

And where the door was then shut. The humans rushed out to welcome back the sled dog team and for once, everyone was accepting of Balto. The doctor was very thrilled and collected the medicine to make them into vaccinations to inject the sick patients.

Cherry came to Atticus and Mo when they were with Estelle. "The medicine and dogs have returned." she announced to the parents, she barely spoke with emotion on an infrequent basis, but she seemed to had happiness in her voice then for her old friends.

This news brought happiness to them. Rosy and Estelle were given their shots now. Balto smiled as he saw from the window and to his surprise, there were other people patting his head and congratulating him. Boris swooped down and hugged both of Balto and Akito, giving them noogies. Muk and Luk hugged and licked Boris, Balto, and Akito.

"Come on, you two," William came to Balto and Akito. "Someone wants to see you."

"Yes sir, come on, Balto." Akito said.

Balto and Akito came in and Boris gave them a supportive smile.

Rosy was now slowly waking up in her bed and had a small smile. "Mommy?"

Cherry held Felicity in her arms as they were waiting for Rosy and Estelle.

Estelle was now slowly waking up in her bed as well with the same small smile. "Mommy? Daddy?"

"Rosy, darling!" Sandra held her daughter close.

Mo did the same with Estelle.

"We fell asleep..." Rosy told her mother.

Balto and Akito looked around, feeling proud of themselves as they saw the other adults come for the sick kids in rejoice. They then found Rosy's hat. Balto saw Rosy's hat was on a chair and decided to be the one to give it to Rosy.

"Balto..." Rosy took it, hugging the wolf-dog and smiling her thanks to Akito for helping on the adventure.

"Akito..." Estelle then said to her twin brother. "We'd be lost without you..."

Jenna was in the doorway. Akito looked back at the entrance.

"Balto, I think someone's waiting for you at the front door." Akito said.

Balto looked over and saw the red dog. "Jenna!" he yipped out and went to her.

Jenna and Balto shared a friendly greeting with each other, happily reuniting. When their noses touched, Jenna gave a warm nuzzle to Balto and it seemed as though Balto was the true hero as he got the girl. The dogs and people all cheered mainly for Balto since they had been mean to him before and would honor him for generations and generations to come.

"Balto did it, I believed in him!" Rosy clapped and cheered from her bed.

"And you can tell your grandchildren you were there." Cherry looked down to her while holding Felicity.

"Yeah." Atticus said.

The next morning, the visitors decided to get themselves home. They said their good-bye's, but they promised they would come back very soon. Estelle, Felicity, and Rosy all became very best friends, even with Akito, but since the three of them were girls, it was easier for them to bond like sisters. Balto and Jenna were now living together in William and Sandra's house with the occasional visits also from Boris, Muk, and Luk. As the group was in the train to go back where they came from, they all could've sworn they heard a wolf howl that wasn't Balto's. Akito howled back.

The End

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