chapter 5

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The storm got worse, the wind was blowing heavily and the snowflakes seemed to sting against the duo, but they kept going and weren't going to stop. It was heard that the sled dog team was lost which was really hurting most of the population of Nome and they were really giving up hope now and were ready to bury their children who would die of the cursed disease that had plagued many of them. Balto and Akito felt like giving up at most points, but didn't dare do so.

Balto then caught a whiff. "Steele..." he muttered and went to the source of the scent with Akito carefully following. "Akito, come on, I think I've found them!"

"Great, lead the way!" Akito called out.

Balto kept going and they were on top of a hill. He looked down further to see the mushing sled with some fire in place. They were there! Akito and Balto were on their way down, but slipped a little due to the snow buried ice in their path they didn't know about.

"Balto?" Star couldn't believe it.

"Is that Balto and the human kid?" Nikki asked.

"Balto and human kid, how did you find us?" Kaltag asked.

"First, the name's Akito, not human kid, second, thank Balto, he followed Steele's scent." Akito said as he pointed to Balto.

"Sorry, kid, we never caught your name." Kaltag replied.

"Is everyone alright?" Balto asked.

" Fine..." Steele glared at them as he was visibly shivering.

"Yeah, but our musher hit his head," Star explained. "And he won't get up..." he even nudged the musher to show no answer or even a jolt.

"And he's not moving." Kaltag said.

"We'll take you guys and the medicine back to Nome." Akito said.

"Right, follow me." Balto said, going for the sled.

Steele slammed on the reins, glaring at the wolf-dog. "We don't need your help."

"Maybe we should listen to them." Star sounded positive, which got him a growl in the face.

"Listen, if you don't listen to us, all of the kids including my twin sister are going to die without the medicine!" Akito exclaimed to Steele.

Steele glared at the boy.

"Well, how would you get us home?" Nikki asked the wolf-dog.

"Well, I marked a trail, like this." Balto explained to them and started scratching a tree.

"I'll get us back!" Steele roared at the others. "I'm the lead dog, I'm in charge!"

"At least let me and Balto get the medicine to Nome the children and my sister are getting sicker." Akito said.

Balto walked with Akito to the sled where the box of the medicine was in.

Steele pounced in front of them. "Touch that box and I'll tear you both apart."

"Two bones says that Steele takes 'em." Nikki wagered.

"You're on!" Kaltag agreed.

The other dogs came to watch this.

"Akito, step back." Balto advised the young boy.

"No way, if he's fighting you, he's fighting me, besides I've been wanting to put this show boat, thieving, lying dog in his place." Akito said while he was in a fighting stance.

"We're not leaving without that medicine." Balto promised.

Steele pushed them both away into the snow. "Who do you think you are!?"

"We're not leaving without that medicine, Steele and we aren't doing this for being popular or famous." Akito said.

"Since when do you need a pedigree to help someone?" Balto added as he went back to fetching the medicine.

Steele jumped in front of them again. He was too greedy and full of himself to care about the worthy cause of helping the sick children of the world they lived in.

"Steele, let us help you." Balto said.

Steele had a horrifying look in his eyes and he shoved the two over more as they got closer to the medicine again.

"I don't want to fight..." Balto hissed as he again walked with Akito.

"Me neither." Akito said.

Steele growled and had bitten both Balto and Akito, pushing them around some more. He grinned as he had gotten them.

Balto and Akito went back to get the medicine, but Steele jumped in front of them again and kicked over the sled with the fragile medicine. The others dogs looked horrified of Steele's move and were now praising Balto and Akito for wanting to help. Steele had his mouth around Balto's tail and threw him against a rock.

"Balto!" Akito called in horror from Balto being thrown against a rock.

That really hit Balto hard, he wasn't moving much in the snow now. Steele grinned and chuckled darkly as he had gotten what he wanted. The other dogs had a slight unsettling feeling around Steele now due to his actions. Akito was now looking worried at Balto, hoping that he was still alive. After suspense, Balto finally got himself up. Balto and Steele were really at it now. Steele had bitten the bandanna to drag Balto around. However, the spinning stopped and Steele was on the edge of the cliff and he was falling and thumping against his way down and landed very low. He wasn't killed or knocked out, but he was stuck down there.

Balto looked down, then looked up to Akito. "Come on, we better help the others."

He saw all of the dogs were lined up and the crates filled with all the glass containers of the medicine was back on the sled with the musher and Akito at where the musher's stands. The musher was placed safely into the comfortable part of the sled that was nearly like a bed as Akito was going to take place as musher. Balto walked over to the dogs and Star happily had the reins for Balto to wear and make him an official member of the team. It was very warm and good to be accepted at last and Balto was the lead dog now.

"Akito, are you ready?" Balto asked the human boy as the other dogs lined up behind him.

"Yes, sir. Alright, you guys, mush!" Akito called out.

Balto started up and the other dogs followed him as they were now going to make the serum delivery. What they didn't know was that Steele made it up the cliff and was going to send them to go the wrong ways, even if he was dooming innocent children. And where he began to make his own markings.

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