Chapter 4--Starbucks and Kissing

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Andrea (P.O.V)

The school day was fast but I wanted it to be... Just to talk to Kian. I rode home with my mom like I usually do and she asked if I had a good day. I said yes and how i made a friend. I told her all about Kian and she was surprisingly happy that a boy was my first friend at my high school. She still couldn't believe I was in 11th grade already. To tell the truth though I couldn't either. Because that's when I start to care about relationship and I wasn't sure if Kian and I would be a "thing." Then I got a text from Kian.

Kian: hey Andrea I was just wondering.. Would u want to go to Starbucks tonight?

It's happening. Is this a date? I hope so to be honest but probably not since we don't know each other as well as we should.

Andrea: Of course! What time?
Kian: 6?
Andrea: Sure!

That means I have an hour to get ready. I got out of the car and rushed upstairs and touched up my makeup and added some more just to impress him. Am I trying to hard?

Kian (P.O.V.)

I was so excited to get to know Andrea more. We then both met up at Starbucks. I saw she had more makeup on than usual but she looked beautiful either way. I couldn't help but stare. I then payed for her drink. We both got coffee and talked about ourselves and I got to know so much more about Andrea. We then left the place and I wish we didn't cause I loved hanging out with her. "That was fun we should do that again" she said. I agreed with her and we both gave each other a hug. Then we released each other and we both looked at each other. Then we both leaned it and kissed. It was the best feeling ever. She then smiled and I couldn't help smiling too. Her smile was even beautiful. I can't get over that.

Andrea (P.O.V.)

Starbucks was so fun. Kian was more interesting than I thought. I was so glad we hung out I wanted to do it again but my mom wanted me home by 8 and I wanted to be there early so I didn't make her mad. Kian an I both said our goodbyes and gave hugs. His body was so warm and I wanted to hug it forever. We both released each other and the best thing happened.

We kissed. I loved it so much. I smiled so big and so did he. I might even have feelings for him.

"Kian!" Someone screamed walking toward him. Oh no... we both said.

Ha CLIFFHANGER! Sorry:( but I'll update soon don't worry :) well thanks for everyone reading this far! Love youu
-chloe :)

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