Interview 31 - Shadowbrook: Once Hungry, Twice Bitten by ChloeLeia561

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I am proud to interview ChloeLeia561 who is the winner of The Congenial Awards for the book - "Shadowbrook: Once Hungry, Twice Bitten".

Let's get right into it!

1. {Nabeela} What inspired you to write your book?

The Vampire Diaries and The Originals inspired me, as well as other vampire series. I've always been a big fan of mythology as a child and love the idea surrounding the supernatural. A town like Mystic Falls is mysterious and inspired me to come up with the idea surrounding Shadowbrook.

2. {Nabeela} When did you join Wattpad?

I joined Wattpad April 2019 

3. {Nabeela} How have you grown since you first started writing?

I've grown as a writer in lots of ways. I am more confident as a writer and in my writing abilities. If I don't know something, I always look it up. I'm always learning and developing my skills and knowledge as I go on. The hardest part for me is not giving from a slight bump in the road. 

Every writer has one, and sometimes it can be the worst. It can make you self-doubt your work, slow you down and hinder your performance. You just got to keep going, and that's what I'm trying to do at the moment.

4. {Nabeela} How does it feel to have won the contest?

It always feels great when you win something because everybody tries hard, and writing a novel isn't easy. Every time I win, it gives me some confidence to carry on writing and knowing that somebody out there likes to read what I write. That's a magical feeling I can't describe.

Go and check out this book in "Winners of The Congenial Awards" reading list!

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