Flutterby Me

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Harry's Point of View

Harry grabbed his Flutterby bush from the rack as all the students scrambled to get the healthiest-looking plant.

"Remember," Professor Sprout said, "with the proper care, your bush will be blooming in a week. Full marks to those who succeed in making theirs bloom; half for buds; and nothing for a dead plant." 

She let that hang in the air for a second before Malfoy asked, "But what about us? Our common room is under the lake. They won't get any sunlight!"

"Then you may take them to the library or an empty classroom. I have cleared it with Madam Pince, and she is allowing us to use the windowsills, and any empty classroom is open."

A few of the students looked worried, but Harry wasn't. He would just do what Hermione did. Besides, Herbology was one of his best subjects. Malfoy, however, looked terrified. Sweat was beading on his furrowed brow, and his top lip had begun to shake. Even the purple bags under his eyes looked deeper than normal.

The fourth years began the walk back to the castle. Harry stopped to tie his trainers on the steps and, once standing again, was dismayed to find that everyone else was already walking back to their dormitories. Glancing back, Harry saw that one person was still behind him: Malfoy.

Malfoy reached where Harry was standing and opened his mouth to speak. Harry assumed that Malfoy would make some sort of snide comment about Harry being left behind, but instead, he said, "Potter? Could you do me a favor?"

Harry was taken aback. "What kind of favor?" he said uncertainly, still sure this was going to turn nasty.

"I was wondering if you could... maybe... help me grow my Flutterby bush?" he spat out in a rush.


"I suck at Herbology. I really do. And you seem like you know what you're doing, so I thought you might be able to help me?" He made it sound like a question.

"Yeah, I could help you. It would be great if you could help me with Potions, too...."

"Of course. Can I meet you in the empty classroom down by the Charms corridor tonight?"

Harry nodded and walked back to Gryffindor Tower.

• • • • • 

Draco's Point of View

Draco seized his Flutterby bush from the spot next to the glass wall overlooking the lake. It had already begun to wilt since the day he had received it. He was glad he would see Potter today – and that he hadn't chickened out of asking him for help. As much as he hated to admit it, he was failing Herbology. That would be the first class ever, and he shuddered what would happen if his father got wind of it.

He quickly left the common room and hurried up to the Charms corridor, stopping outside the empty classroom to catch his breath.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" came Potter's voice from the classroom.

Draco flushed red, entering the room quickly. He put the Flutterby bush on the windowsill next to Potter's and said, "So. How do you take care of these things again, Potter?"

"Harry," Potter murmured.


"Harry. I go by Harry," Potter said louder.

"If you go by Harry, I go by Draco. No more last names to tie us down."

"Okay, Draco," Harry said, smiling. "Let's get down to business."

Draco listened raptly while Harry explained about watering, sunlight, and a charm they should use for nearly a quarter of an hour. He showed Draco how to examine the leaves and determine the amount of water to give them; how much sunlight they need –"You need to keep it out of direct sunlight, that can kill it, it's very delicate, but it needs to have enough so that it can bloom–"; and how to use a Pollination Charm to allow the flowers to bloom.

"The wand movement for a Pollination Charm is very difficult, but that's because the charm itself is very easy. You flick your wrist, move the wand tip in a spiral, then give the bush a hard jab in just the right spot. Like this:" Harry moved his hand at a super speed, then jabbed the bush on the end of the stem while muttering, "Florus stigma."

"The trick is to do it quickly. It's hard because you need to have good aim in a short amount of time." A fine yellow powder now covered Harry's Flutterby bush.

Draco muttered, "Florus stigma. Florus stigma." Pointing his wand at the large diagram of a Flutterby bush on the wall, he attempted to perform the wand movement. He dropped his wand.

"It takes practice," Harry said reassuringly as Draco bent over to pick up his wand. "Try it like this." Harry wrapped his hand around Draco's, which was clutching his wand. Harry's chest now pressed against Draco's back as he moved Draco's hand, showing him the wand movement.

Draco couldn't pay attention to his wand because of how close Harry was. He'd never realized how poufy and yet how straight Harry's hair was. Nor the fact that it smelled like strawberries.

"Do you feel like you can try it now, Draco? Draco?" Harry's voice sounded far away.

Draco blinked to clear his head. "What? Yeah. Sorry. Yeah." He pointed his wand at the picture and concentrated as hard as he could on performing the wand movement correctly.

"Very good!" Harry said, clapping. "Ready to try it on your bush?"

Draco nodded and walked over to the bush, performing the spell again and leaving his bush covered in shimmering yellow pollen.

"Incredible," Harry breathed. "It only becomes sparkly when the caster is feeling particularly motivated and, shall I say, wanting to impress someone?" He raised his eyebrow at Draco questioningly.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'd like to impress you now with my excellent kissing skills. Care to participate in the demonstration?"

Instead of an answer, Harry kissed Draco.

• • • • •

After a week, the bushes had bloomed and now smelled of treacle tart (but Harry argued that they were obviously hair-gel scented). The two got top marks, even higher than Hermione's. They still found reasons to meet, though, and Herbology became Draco's favorite class.

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