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Harry's Point of View

Harry walked down the Charms corridor with Ron and Hermione, closely following Malfoy and his gang. Harry's gaze was fixed on Malfoy's retreating back, mesmerized.

A faraway voice said, "Harry? Harry?" Harry wrenched his gaze away from Malfoy and looked at Ron. "Are you sure you're okay? Your face is red. You might have a fever."

"Why would I have a fever?"

"You're acting strangely, that's all. I mean, who in their right mind would check out Malfoy? Because that's what you were doing."

"No, I wasn't," Harry retorted defensively. Ron looked like he wanted to snap back, but they had just entered the classroom.

"Hello, boys! Cheering Charms today!" tiny Professor Flitwick squeaked from atop a large stack of books on his desk as they walked by. Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other, grinning. They had been looking forward to this lesson all week.

After some theory and note-taking, the students were supposed to perform the charm on one another.

"Granger, Parkinson; Weasley, Zabini; Potter, Malfoy; Finnigan, Thomas." Professor Flitwick finished reading off a long scroll and said, "Well, everyone, there you go. Practice the charm on your partners!" He strode back to his desk and, opening a large volume that was almost as tall as he was, he began to read to himself.

"Potter," came a drawling voice from behind Harry. It was Malfoy. "It appears we are partners. Why don't you try the charm first?"

He seemed to be unusually nice today, which made Harry flustered. He fumbled with his wand and dropped it, blushing furiously.

"Any time now, Potter," Malfoy said, sounding almost bored.

"I... yes... I'll... I-I'll get right on that," Harry mumbled. He pointed his wand at Malfoy and said, clearly, "Cheerio!"

Malfoy barely blinked. "Come on, Potter. You can do better than that!"

The careless comment stung. Harry didn't know why, but he wasn't going to let Malfoy press the salt in. Harry rolled up his sleeves, took a deep breath, and flung his arm forward, pointed straight at Malfoy's heart.

"CHEERIO!" he bellowed. A jet of purple light shot out of wand and hit Malfoy squarely on the chest. At once, Malfoy's eyes glazed over and a huge grin spread across his face.

"Not bad, Harry," he said, giggling. "You really know how to make a guy weak in the knees. But enough flattering. My turn!" he giggled again. "Cheerio!"

Another purple jet of light shot out of Malfoy's wand and hit Harry, also over the heart. At once, Harry felt as though there wasn't a care in the world. Malfoy was standing in front of him, a sappy look on his face. He looked very cute. "You look cute," Harry informed Draco.

"Well, you look hot."

"You are hotter!"

"No, you are!"

"Why do you care about how hot I am?" Harry asked, suddenly confused.

"Because I like you."

"I like you more!"

"No, I do!" Draco stomped his foot on the ground. It was such a childish action that Harry wanted nothing more than to scoop him up in his arms and hold him close. So he did.

"Put me down!" Draco squealed.

"No," Harry said defiantly. By this point, the whole class was watching, slack-jawed, as Harry carried Draco out of the classroom and up the nearest stairs.

They didn't notice Ron and Hermione glancing at the Marauder's Map and finding Harry and Malfoy just outside the Room of Requirement. Then, the dots disappeared.

Draco's Point of View

Harry had carried Draco into a large, cozy room with lots of couches and fluffy rugs.

"Put me down!" Draco shrieked again. This time, Harry obliged by dropping him on a large couch and kissing him fiercely.

Draco kissed back, each trying to get as much of the other as possible.

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